Chapter 27

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Chapter Twenty Seven
"So, you're finishing school this year. Only a couple more days, until...Schools over"Catilin said. I shrugged. "Do you have any idea of where you're going"She asked. "Don't be silly. Of course I do"I said. "And where exactly is that"She asked. I sighed, "It's..Far away, and i"m not-" "Where is it"Caitlin asked. "University of Syracuse"I said. "Wow"She said. "You're right. That is far away"She said. "Only a couple of hours"I said. "But, Justin will be on tour...And I'll be at collage... So it works out perfectly. Not everyone can be a superstar like him"I said.
'Attention all girls senior girls soccer players...There's practice after school today. Meet in the back of the school on the fields with Coach Miller'

"But..-" "Hey. I can't really talk right now. I have to go, come over later and we can talk"I said. She nodded and I hugged her. And she smiled and I walked over to my car, I got in and waited until she left. I grabbed my bag, and walked over to the back of the school. "Hey Joanna"Coach Miller said. "Hey Coach"I said. He smiled. "The girls are in the locker rooms. Go ahead and change"He said. I sighed and nodded.

"Joanna"All the girls smiled. "Finally here. We thought you wouldn't show"Gabriella said. "I would never miss soccer"I said. "You are-are captain"She said. I smiled and quickly got changed.

Practice finally ended, and I haven't told anyone that I play soccer. Not even Justin, people think it might...Ruin some stuff. I just don't want the attention going to me, and not...Justin. That's the only reason I got into Syracuse. A scholarship. For soccer. I quickly got into my car, and put my keys in. Someone knocked on my window making me jump. I put down my window, "Hey Ryan"I said. He looked at me confused, "Why are you all sweaty.."He said. "I-I was sitting in the sun...Tanning"I said. "I went for a-" "Cut the crap J. Seriously, what's going on"He said.

He smirked. "You still play soccer"He said. Shit. "No I don't"I said shaking my head. "Then get out of the car"He said. I looked down at my cleats, he smirked and looked down. "Why were you keeping this from us"He asked. "I don't want to take time away from Justin, or anyone...I know it's really stupid. I just don't like people watching me play, or talking about it"I said. He nodded, "I'm afraid they'll judge me"I said. "Every wrong move..."I said. He opened the door, "People would never judge you, you make mistakes. Especially in sports. No one's perfect"Ryan said.

"Justin is"I said. "He never does anything wrong"I said. "Is that why you didn't want to tell us?"He asked. I shrugged. "Yes..."He said. I nodded. "Especially since you and Justin used to play"I said. Ryan rolled his eyes. "See. I know you to well. And don't give me that crap"He said. "Go home and-" "I can't. I have-" "J. Come on"He said. "Go to Justin and tell him"Ryan said. "But, he's gonna wanna come to my soccer games"I said. Ryan shrugged. "And if he says anything to you, which I doubt he will but if he does come tell me. And I'll deal with it"He said. I sighed and hugged him.

"You smell awful"Ryan said. "It's called hard work"I said. "When's your next game"He asked. I looked at him and he raised his hands up. I wont bring anyone, just...when"He said. "Tomorrow"I said. "After school"I said. He smiled. "I'll be there...Alone"He said. I nodded and got back into my car and closed the door. I put up the window and waved goodbye and drove off.

I walked inside, and Justin was sitting on the couch on his phone. "Hey babe"He said. "Where were you?"He asked. "Practice.."I said. His head snapped up. "Practice?"He asked. "You play soccer?"He asked. I looked down at my Christiano cleats and nodded. He got up from the couch and walked over. "How come you didn't tell me"He asked. I shrugged. "I didn't want you to judge me"I said still looking at the ground. He tilted my head up, "You know. I would never do that"He said. "You used to play, and were so much better than me"I said. "And you never do anything wrong. I just.." I trailed off. "I get where you're coming from..And I know, you're going to Syracuse in the fall"he said.
"You're mom called"He said. "Why didn't you tell me about that either? That's great"He said. "I-I only got into Syracuse because...o-o-of soccer"I said. "You got a scholarship?"He asked. I nodded slowly and he smiled. He hugged me. "That's amazing Jojo"He said. I sighed, "I thought you were going to be mad"I said. He shook his head, "I wouldn't be mad. That's amazing. I'm so happy for you"He said.

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