Chapter 23

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Chapter Twenty-Three

(I added Chapter Twenty-Three in again. And there are a few changes in this chapter too.)

~Joanna Williams~

I woke up in someones bed, I looked around. It was still light out, I looked at my phone and there was a text from Justin.

'Don't get freaked out. You're at my place. I'm really sorry. Call me when you wake up. We can talk then'

I smiled. Then I remembered yesterday. I sighed and there was a sharp pain in my head. The door opened, "Hey"Justin smiled. "How did you know I was up?"I asked. "I've been checking on you every once in a while"He said. I looked at the time, 10:30. I sighed, it's not that late. I looked out the window, and it was light outside. I looked at Justin, then back outside. "Shit!"I said and got up. "I'm late for school! My mom-" "I already called your mom and explained everything. She called in and said you where sick"He said. I sighed and sat down, I held my head. And he handed me advil. I sighed and he handed me a Gatorade water bottle. I smiled, "Thanks"I said. He nodded, and I scooted over so he could sit next to me.

"I'm really sorry Jojo"He said. I nodded, "It's okay Justin"I said. He looked at me weird, "But-" "Seriously. It's okay"I said. He nodded and got under the covers with me. I rested my head on his chest, and sighed. He turned on the T.V, "You're house is huge"I said. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. "This is going to be your house too"He said. I looked at him

"Mrs. Bieber"He smiled and poked me side.

My face burned from embarrassment. I shoved my head, in his shoulder. And he laughed. "You're perfect you know that?"He asked. "Uh. No, I'm not anywhere near perfect"I said. He rolled his eyes, "No you're perfect"He said. I shook my head, and he nodded. I sighed, and he kissed me. "Oops. Sorry perfect"He said. I playfully pushed him and he smiled.

"Let's go fix you up"Justin said helping me up. I nodded and we walked to the bathroom. He lifted up part of my shirt, just above my stomach.

My stomach looked awful. I had millions of bruises that where already black and blue. It was disgusting. There was a bunch of cuts on my arms and my cheeks. "This is going to sting for a second. It's cleaning it out okay?"Justin said. I nodded slowly I grabbed his hand, and he dabbed the burning stuff on toilet paper and held it on my cut. I screamed and squeezed onto his hand really tight. I closed my eyes tight. "I told you"Justin said. I took many breaths. I sighed and opened my eyes. "I hate you"I said wiping the tears from my eyes. He chuckled. "No you don't. You love me"He said. I rolled my eyes.

After everything was done, I walked back into bed. With Justin with me, and we both got under the covers.

"You know what?"He asked. "What?"I asked. "You get to spend your whole day with the awesomest person in the world"He said. I smiled and rolled my eyes. "So you're saying I get to spend the whole day with myself"I asked. "Nope. With me"He gave me a cheeky smile. I rolled my eyes, and looked at the T.V.

"You know what?"He asked. I sighed, and looked at him. "This is the last one"He said. I smiled, "What Justin"I asked.

"You're perfect"

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