Chapter 29 Part 1

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Chapter Thirty Part 1
I woke up from the sun, I haven't been woken up like that in a while. I sighed, and looked at the time. It was 9:30. I sighed and got up, my mom bursted through the door. "GET UP!"She screamed and jumped around. I sighed, and rubbed my temples. "Wanna be a little quieter. We have neighbors"I said. She rolled her eyes, "Then they'll know my daughters getting married!"She said. I smiled and Caitlin and Selena walked through the door.

"Hey"They both said at the same time. "Hi"I said back. "Get up. I'm doing your hair"Selena said. "I'm doing your make up!"Caitlin said. My mom walked out of the room, and I sighed. I got up and Selena sat me in the chair. Caitlin got all my make up out of my drawer. I closed my eyes.

Screams, Laughs, Tears and Pokes later. I was finished. I just needed my dress. Selena walked in with my dress, and she smiled. I heard a bunch of giggles on the stairs. I walked out and I saw my whole team on the stairs. I smiled. "Gabby"I said. She smiled. "Your getting married to the Biebs"She said. "I'm proud"She said. I laughed and she smiled. Everyone walked out so I could change, I quickly slipped on my dress. And they all came back in, my mom smiled. "You look gorgeous. As always"Selena said. I smiled. "Thanks Sel"I said. She nodded.

We all walked outside, the photographer was here and I smiled for the pictures. There was a lot, I must say everyone got in, and we all did a really pretty picture that's going in my room when I get these pictures. "Limo's here! And Pattie"My mom said. I walked over to Pattie and smiled. "Sweetheart you look beautiful"She said. "Thank you"I said. She smiled and hugged me. We all got into the limo, and I sighed. I'll be honest, I'm really scared right now. Everyone's having small talks, and I'm just sitting here thinking to myself.

What if Justin doesn't show up...He wouldn't do that to you Joanna, don't say that. I sighed, and looked out the window. We're already at the church. I sighed, I saw Justin's Range Rover. So I started calming down. We all got out, and we walked to the back of the church. There was a beautiful meadows of flowers in the back, then there was the aisle. I sighed, we all walked to the right positions. I saw Ryan and Chaz. And Ryan and Chaz smirked. "Shut up"I said. They both held their hands up in surrender. I smiled. "Good luck"Ryan said. I smiled and hugged him. "You look amazing by the way"Chaz said.

"No flirty comment there"He said. I smiled and laughed. "I love you guys"I said. "We love you too"Ryan said. "Show time"Ryan said. "See ya down there"Chaz said. Ryan walked down the aisle with Gabby. And Chaz walked down the aisle with my other friend, Shannon. I smiled. And I hooked to my mom's arm and she smiled. We started walking down the curve of the aisle just as the music started, "Don't let me fall"I said. She nodded. "I wouldn't dare"She said. I sighed, and closed my eyes. I opened them just as the curve was about to end.

I turned the curve, and Justin was standing at the end. He had a huge smile plastered on his face. He smiled. I could see everyone here. Celebrities, family members, friends. This was the best thing, I looked back at Justin. And his eyes where traveling down my body. He was totally checking me out. I smirked and I heard a few chuckles in the crowd. I felt a little self conscious up here in front of everyone.

"Who gives this women to be the bride of this man?"The minister said. "I do"My mom said. She handed my hand to Justin. And he smiled. "Hey babe"He whispered. I sighed and I rolled my eyes and everyone laughed in the crowd. He smiled and everyone took their seat.

"Do you have the rings?"The minister asked Chaz. Chaz?! My eyes widened and I looked behind me quickly, and Chaz smirked at me and nodded like that was a huge accomplishment. He handed the minister the rings, and walked back down next to Ryan. Ryan smiled and I smiled back.

"Please join hands, and look each other into the eyes, and repeat after me"The minister said.
(I'm only going to write this once, so don't get confused)
"I Joanna Marie Williams, take thee, Justin Drew Bieber to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse. For richer or for poor, in sickness and health for as long as we both shall live"I said. I placed the ring on Justin's finger and he smiled.

"I, Justin Drew Bieber, take thee Joanna Marie Williams to have and to hold, form this day forward, for better or for worse. For richer or for poor, in sickness and health for as long as we both shall live"Justin said and placed the ring on my finger and we both looked into each other eyes again. I smiled.

"I may now congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Bieber. You may now kiss the bride"

Justin gave me a long, sloppy kiss. Which was disgusting, in so many ways but made everyone laugh. There was saliva all over my mouth when we where done. Justin smiled, and wiped a little bit of it off. I smiled and everyone cheered.

AWWWWWW!!!! I'M CRYING! :') This is only part one. Part 2 is next chapter. Tell me how you liked the wedding....

I've been waiting for this chapter for DAYS. MONTHS. Not years, because this story hasn't even been out for years yet. So ha!

I really hope you liked it. This story isn't over quite yet. Couple more chapters:(
But I'm definitely making a sequel.

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