Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty

I walked downstairs in my jeans and light pink top, Justin smirked. "Look who looks good"Justin smiled. I rolled my eyes and he pecked my neck. "And smells good to"He smirked. I pushed him off of me, "Now...Don't do anything bad, Christian and you are JUST FRIENDS"he said. I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Yes mother"I said. Justin leaned in but the doorbell rang, He growled, "Maybe later..."I said. He smiled and nodded. He answered the door. The girl was there, she eyed me, "Ready Justin?"She asked. He nodded, and I weakly smiled. He kissed my cheek, "Bye"He said and walked out.

I closed the door and screamed, as loud as I could, I want to kill that girl! The doorbell rang again, I stood up, and opened the door. "I heard a scream"Christian said. I smiled and hugged him. "So...Tell me about this girl"I said. Christian nodded and opened his black escalate. "Well, Justin really liked her in 8th grade... And she was starting to like him, and the day he was supposed to ask her out, he got a call from Scooter Braun, and they haven't seen each other since..."Christian said. "Did they...Kiss?"I asked. He shrugged. "Possibly.."Christian said. I nudged him, and he smiled. "Look, Justin kissed her on the last day he was here, because he had to move to Georgia" Christian said.

"He really liked-" "Don't tell me that Christian"I said. He looked at me confused, "Why not.."He asked. "I don't want Justin and I's relationship to end badly...I really care about him"I said. He nodded, and Christian and I got out. I growled and clung to Christian. "Long time no see, bitch"I growled. Selena rolled her eyes, "How did you know we where here"I asked. "Ryan"she said. I sighed, and rolled my eyes. I nodded, "Anyways... I thought you would want to see this..."She said. I looked at her phone, and there was a video of the girl and Justin hugging. "He seems to be cheating?"She asked. "He's just hanging out with her...As friends"I said.

"And you could have photoshopped that"I said. She shook her head, "As much as I want Justin back, and hate you. I wouldn't want you to get hurt like this...I'm not that bad of a friend"She said. I sighed, I didn't know if I should believe her. "I'll text you and let you know if anything else happends...And I wanted to let you know...I'm really sorry for what I did Joanna"Selena said. "If you're willing to forgive me, we could be real friends this time?"She asked. I looked at Christian, "I-I'll think about it"I said. She nodded and smiled and walked away.

"Selena"I said. She turned around. "Thank you"I said. She nodded and hugged me.

Christian and I walked inside of the fancy restaurant and saw Justin and the girl inside. They where joking around and laughing, she pushed him once he told her a joke or something. Maybe a memory. Something I wish we could have had...

The girl looked at me, but I quickly looked away. "You took me to the same restaurant as him?!"I asked. "How was I supossed to know!"Christian said. "He's gonna think we're spying!"I said. "Let's go to a different one then"Christian said and turned around. I nodded, "Joanna?"Someone asked.
"Shit"I said. We both turned around, I smiled. "Hey...Justin"I said. He smirked, "Couldn't get away from me huh"He asked. I shook my head, "I'll just talk to you later Justin you're on a date- I mean dinner"I said. "Dinner friendly thing"I said. He rolled his eyes, "Don't be jeal-" "K bye"I said and pushed Christian out the door.

"Jesus Christ Christian!"I Said. He chuckled and I pushed him. He opened the door for me, and I smiled and he walked into the other side.

~Justin Bieber~
"I can't believe I actually found you"Amber said. I nodded and smiled. "I'm happy"I said. She smiled, "So I was wondering....If you wanted to like..."She shook her head, "No-No never mind"She blushed. "What"I asked. "Nothing-Nothing"She said. I smiled, "Come on Amber..."I said. "Well... I was wondering, if you wanted to go to the movies on Saturday"She said. I blinked a couple of times, what am I doing? I'm with Joanna. "A-As in a date?"I asked. She nodded shyly. "I-I'm sorry Amber, I really can't"I said. She looked at me sad, "W-Why?"She asked. "I have a girlfriend"I said. She looked away and glared at the ground.

"Is it that girl? The one who was yelling at me in front of the school"She asked. I nodded, and she huffed. "I understand, I think I should go justin"She said. I stood up, "No...Please don't go"I said. "Well, it might be bad if the paparazzi see's us"She said. "Look..."I said. She moved into my seat, and trailed her finger around the inside of my thigh..."I mean...If you want to, come back to my place...Hide for a while, you're welcome too"she winked. I blinked a couple of times and "Look, Amber you're nice but-" "But I'm better than that slut you're dating...Dump her Justin"Amber said. I glared at her.

"She's not a slut Amber...She's the most amazing person in the world"I said. "Quiet baby...People might here"She said. I rolled my eyes, "Amber I think I should leave"I said. "What!"She said. "No No No"She said and sat me down. The door opened, and Christian and Joanna walked in, "I forgot my Northface on the table-" Joanna said looking at Christian. Amber hopped on top of me, and started kissing me. "Amber!"I said and pushed her off. She fell off the seat, and onto the floor. Amber looked at Joanna, who was looking at me. "J-Justin?"She asked.

"Joanna..."I said. "W-You where kissing her"She said. She grabbed her NorthFace and ran out the door, I left money on the table and ran out. "Thank you"I said to the waiter. She nodded and I looked at Christian who ran out with me. "Come on buddy..."I said. "Dude, she was totally on top of you when we both looked"Christian said. "That's not what happened I swear"I said.

"Don't tell me that... tell Joanna"Christian said.

Will Joanna forgive Justin?

Or call the wedding off..... ??

Our Arranged Marriage(Justin Bieber Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora