Deadly Lies- Chapter 4

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            The next day went by without any interesting happenings and with Cameron swearing he hadn't called me yesterday. As usual, the brothers left with Jenny in tow, smiling feverishly as Cameron placed a shy arm over her shoulders.

             John was dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a black t-shirt. I told him he didn't have to change whenever he came to pick me up during his break."When I'm with you I don't want to think about the job. Lieutenant Foster and John are two different people." He would say placing a soft kiss upon my lips. I would nod in a drunken stupor, forgetting momentarily what we were talking about.

            "Hey." I greeted with a dumb smile, unable to keep my eyes from roaming his perfect body. Snaking his arms around my waist, I tiptoed up to his lips, my heart thumping with pleasure as his lips pressed against mine. My eyes fluttered close, thinking of only John and I. The crowd was forgotten and their hollering voices proved to be nothing more than just white noise. Pulling a part, I rested my head against his shoulder, listening to the rhythmic beating of his heart.

            Without any needed words, his hand found mine and led us towards a beautiful slick piece of machinery. A brute in the midst of refined Prius', Toyota's and Nissans, Johns motorcycle reigned supreme. Handing me his black helmet, I pulled it on and straddled the bike after John sat down. I laced my fingers around his waist and felt the mighty engine below me rumble to life. Keeping a tight grip on John, we made our way onto the street and a smile tugged on my lips. The same cinematographer from yesterdays showing, now allowed me a happier vision. It was the first time John had taken me onto the bike. A warm feeling flowed through my body and delight poured out of my heart. Through my bright thoughts, a haunting idea clouded my mind, forcing reality onto my happiness. My heart speed up at the thought and a clump formed in my stomach. Was I falling in love?  

            Lost in my thoughts, I didn't feel the bike die down to a quiet purr. Bright light flooded my unsuspecting eyes as John lifted the helmet off of my head. A small squeak escaped my lips as I brought my hands up to cover my eyes.

            "I'm sorry." John chuckled, bringing my hands away from my face. I licked my lips and my heart swelled at the sight before me. A crooked smile was playing on his lips, the sun's rays reflected off of his blue eyes, making them appear translucent. He ran a hand through his hair and stuck out his right arm.

            "Madam." John bowed down and I laughed at his silly accent, it was a mix between Scottish, British and a dash of Irish.

            "Why thank you kind gentleman." Throwing my legs over the bike, very unladylike, I put my arm through his and we walked to my house in long strides.

            "May I be expecting your divine company tonight malady?" He asked taking my hands in his.    

            "Why of course." I said in my best southern accent, which didn't come out very well either.

            "Then I shall be counting the seconds before we meet again." He grinned and stepped closer. "May I ask for a small kiss to keep my spirit-" I didn't wait to hear the rest of his dazzling speech. As though a much needed thunderstorm during a desert heat, his lips cooled my longing.

            "Till later my dear." John bowed a final time and waited for me to enter the house.

            "I'll be waiting." I whispered and shut the door behind me with a giant smile.

            I gripped the book bag around my shoulder a little tighter, clutching onto it as though it was the only thing keeping me up. Taking in a deep breath, I hung up my keys and kicked off my flats. A delightful smell enticed my nose and carried me into the kitchen. Mother was standing at the stove milling about from one end of the counter to the other,  something was being fried.

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