Deadly Lies- Chapter 15

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            John was the first to snap out of it. He got to his feet within seconds and was striding towards the door.

            "John, wait!" I called after him, clambering out of the chair and ran to him. "I'm coming with you."

            John stopped at the door and grabbed my hand before I could reach for the house keys. In the same moment, he pulled me to his chest and placed a soft kiss on my cheek.

            "No, Angel." He teased, barely above a whisper and pulled back. "Stay here with Sam. I'll be back as soon as I can."

            I heard Sam begin to protest behind me, but the flame had been ignited within me first.

            "No." I said pulling my hand out of his. "I'm coming with you." He opened his mouth to say something, but I threw my hand up.

             "I understand you want to protect me, but don't, don't think for a moment I'm going to let you go by yourself. I want to solve this as much as you do and I want to solve it with you. I'll be damned if I'm going to be treated like fragile baggage that you can dump the moment you feel it's not safe. I'm coming with you and that's final."

            John let out a low huff and ran a frustrated hand through his hair, twice. I saw his eyes shift from me to Sam, who was now awkwardly clearing his throat.

            "I'll be, uh- outside." Sam skirted around John and I and closed the front door, with a noticeable bang.

            "You know I don't think of you as baggage." John said looking me straight in the eyes. Although I knew that was true, for the moment I was too caught up in the heat of my anger.

            "Then don't treat me as such." I said crossing my arms. "You know I can take care of myself and it's not just our lives on the line this time. The innocent are being harmed because of us- We're supposed to be a team, Jonathan!"     

            "But we are." John spoke in a calm voice, which only angered me further.

            "You running off by yourself to investigate this and debating by yourself what is best for me does not constitute for a team!"

            "Sophie," John's voice was strict, but no louder than he would usually talk, "you know I care for you and you know fully well that we are a team. However, I would never willingly put you into harm's way. My first priority is to ensure your safety, whether you like it or not."

            And just like that, the furnace burning within me was instantly put out. However,  I felt the tension in my body stretch like an elastic band.   

            "I'm not some chore, John." I said coolly and grabbed the keys off of the hook. I tried to side step around him, but his massive body blocked the door.

            "Sophie," He whispered, sincerity in his tone, "I didn't mean it like that."

            "I just want everything to be equal between us." I sighed and pressed the heel of my palm against my forehead. The ache in my head was beginning to spread to my eyes and I wasn't about to start crying now. "I don't want to argue."

            "Me neither." John whispered and scooped me up into his arms.

            "I'm sorry." I said shaking my head against his chest.

            "No-" John murmured into my hair, soothing it with his delicate fingers. "I'm sorry."

            "I know you only do it out of care." I whispered back, clutching his shirt.

Deadly Lies (Sequel to TBFOWS)Where stories live. Discover now