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So in the end the surprise was the boys coming all the way from Australia to visit and saying that they thought that i died in the crash and how worried they all were. But that was not the only surpise they offered that if I want to I don't have to I can come and move in with one of them back in Australia and they were on their way to the UK for a few months for song writing and of course I took up the opportunity.  

I was upset to leave everyone behind but I knew that I had to follow my heart and this is wear it lead me. I packed all my belongings and left some behind so I could come back and have things there that were mine. I said bye to the family and of course promised that I would keep in touch, it was hard to say bye to Austin becasue he is my older brother and it is going to be a lot different to not being able to see him whenever I want. This is the start of my new life I really hope it is worth it. 

2 years Later 

Living with the boys has been a world wind I've got to go on tour with them and the boys of 1D and that was amazing, I have been back to Miami and seen the family Willow has just started school and already making lots of friends, and she told me that she uses my room to read and stuff like that casue it is a bit biggger and has that big girl feeling to it. Austin has gotten more famous everyday relased his own album and been on tour and also winning lots of awards. I could not be any prouder to be his younger sister.

I finished school over in Austrlia thanks to Liz Hemmings and becoming my gardian till I was old enough and I have to say I love her like she was my mum. I have become great friends with Sam, Dani and Rylie. We have planned to do go on a huge trip together I got a job in the city in a shop so now I can earn my own living. I think making this decsion was a good one. I do miss the US a lot but being with the people you love makes a lot of difference, I hope to see you guys in the future but till then see you later. 

And that is a wrap, thank you so much for reading this. It actually means a lot to me. 

Check our my other fanfiction it is called 

"Living in the Shadows (5 Seconds of Summer/Luke Hemmings"

Here is a description of it

16 year old Rylee  Hood, living in the shadows of her older sister Mali-Koa and brother Calum. Both making their way into the music industry, The Voice or going on tour with 1D. She is your average teenage girl to friends and family but to the outside world she is in the footsteps where most teenage girls want to be. What happens when she moves from the local high school to Norwest Christian Collage, everyone wants to be your friend, how do you know they will be your true friends. A certain blonde blues eyed boy has been crushing on Rylee  since they first met but will he go to full lengths to make her his.

Please got and read that I have only just started it but I kinda hope it goes somewhere



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