I am only 16!! this cannot be happening

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“It is very nice to meet you” I said to Willow

“But I want to stay with you” she said putting her head on my chest

Then Liz came over and told me that we won’t be leaving anytime soon

“How long do you think you will be here for?” I asked her mum

“Um... It seems that her sister has not come back so a little while longer” her mother said

“I know this is very hard to say but do you think it would be ok if I take her for a walk you can say no I totally understand” I said

“Yeah it’s fine” she said

I thanked her and Willow and I started walking towards a little café in the airport I sat her down and I ordered her something to drink. Then she told me something that I thought I was not going to hear

“Please help me” she said in a small quiet voice

“Why?” I asked taking a sip of my drink

“She is not my mum she is my step mother and she is evil and treats me badly and only cares about my older step sister Chloe and when you took me to see Luke and the rest of the boys is made my day I have to act like I am close but when I get home it is terrible” she said now crying

I went over to her and picked her up and gave her hug and we started to walk back to everyone else I looked around and I could not see Willow step mother after about 20 minutes I gave and walked over to Liz to see she was holding a note and there was a little pink suitcase next to her I walked over to her and she saw me and handed me the note straight away and took Ali out of my arms and I went and sat down on a nearby bench and opened the note.

Dear Darcy,

You look after Willow she is in your hands I was so glad that you took her away she a horrible little thing but she seems to like you way more than me and I am so glad that she is finally out for my life, I talked to your mother and she is fine with it and I will see you in court in a couple of weeks.

Love Mary

A/N let’s just say that they knew each other somehow.

I cannot believe this her step mother just left her in my own hands I wonder what the reason was for mum to take her in normally mum would not do this straight away I have to give her a ring when I get a free chance, I walked back to the group still in shock in what just happened I walked over to Liz and gave her a hug and all the emotion all just came pouring in and I started feeling nauseous and started to feel sweaty and everything was becoming blurry and I could just hear Liz talking.

“Get Willow out of here!” she said

And everything went black.


After meeting a lot of nice fans everyone started to clear out and we were waiting with my mum and Darcy went off to read something and I noticed that mum was holding a little girl in her hands.

“Mum who is this?” I asked

“This is Willow” mum said and she took step closer to me and whispered something in my ear

 “Her step mother left her with Darcy and her mother and they will have to go to court in a few weeks or something like that for justice rights and her mum said that she might not take it very well and pass out” mum said

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