Wild chase

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After having breakfast and wondering around Melbourne for a while, we were standing at federation square and down on the stage was a 5SOS meet up, how sweet Luke was of in la, la land. I poked his shoulder and pointing out the meet up happening in front of us there must have to be at least 100 girls there. Luke got his phone out and took a picture tweeting it we looked and saw one of the girls take out her phone.

“OMG look what Luke just posted” one said

Everyone pulled out their phones to have a look at what he had posted

“He is in Melbourne?” another said

“Looks like it and he is with that Darcy girl as well?” another asked

“Who is Darcy?” one girl asked

“She is Austin Mahone sister and she has been spotted with Calum as well and someone said that she was talking to Michael” one girl said

“She sounds like a slut” a girl said walking in

I looked at look and he gave my “I’m sorry eyes”

“Hey don’t call her that not like she has slept with them” the girl who has been talking the most said

“You know she could be like 50 feet away and just hear what you just said, you probably don’t know what has happened to her, she has had a tough life and just saying that she is a slut is not going to make in better” the girl said

Luke and I were just standing only a few feet away and we hear everyone that they were talking about Luke put an arm around me and whispered in my ear.

“Not all the fans are that bad”

He wrapped his arms around me and I hugged him back.

We turned back to the group and it looked like that have spotted us and before we knew it we were surround by all of the fans asking for photos we gladly took photos with them before we had to leave and Luke thought that it would be funny to run away, I started to chase after him and before we knew we were running around the streets of Melbourne.


We found out that she is now in Melbourne so we basically caught another plane to find her as we were walking around mum said that she has some fans that can help us find these runaway teens. We found our way to crown to meet these girls.

“Hello are you Michelle Mahone?” one girl asked

“Yeah and you are Bethany and Chloe right?” mum asked

“Yeah” Bethany said

“Well here is the story, we were at a 5SOS meet up at federation square about half an hour ago and Luke posted a picture of the meet up on his twitter and we were all guessing that Darcy was with him, we saw them hugging and went and got photos with them till Luke ran off somewhere and Darcy ran off after him, and now we don’t know where they are” Chloe said

“I just get a message from one of the fans saying that she has spotted them in Myer and that Luke and Darcy are buying some things” Bethany said

“And that are now heading towards the river so let’s go” Bethany said

We followed them down to the river and sat on a nearby bench waiting for them to come.


“Darcy come smell this” Luke said waving me over

“What?” I asked

“Smell” he said

I sniffed the perfume god it smelt terrible

“What the hell is that” I said

He just shrugged

I walked over to another section an saw the one direction on I called Luke over I told him to pull his arm out, once he did that I sprayed it on his wrist and he went to smell it and he looked up with confused eyes.

“Now you smell like one direction” I said

I picked up a perfume that you couldn’t get in the US and walked around a bit more looking for some other things, I then went to the cash register to pay I met up with Luke and he had something in his bag but he would tell me what it was, we decided to walk down to the river .

When we got to the river and Luke thought it would be funny to try and push me in the river.



“My middle name is Carter” I said

“Is there a meaning for it” he asked

“My dad name was Carter and Austin’s middle name is Carter as well” I said

“It that who I think it is over there” Luke said pointing towards some people who look familiar

I looked closer and saw that it was Austin and mum and some fans that we met earlier they looked towards us and Luke and I made eye contact we just sprinted the other way we came. We looked behind us and they were on our tail we made it to the hotel ahead of them and we sprinted into the lifts and up to our room I just started pacing around the room trying to think of something to do.

“You can come to the UK with us?” he asked

“Are you sure?” I asked

“Positive let’s go” he said

We packed our bags and went and checked out what is up with these one nights stays in each city we went down to the lobby and checked out. He called up his mum and ask and she said that she would have a word with my mum, I gave him the number and we went and stood outside the hotel waiting for a taxi to arrive.

It was the cold Melbourne air and I was waiting for this taxi to arrive Luke had his arm around me keeping ourselves warm. Once the taxi arrived we uploaded our bags and made or way to the airport.


We lost Darcy and Luke we thanked the girls and tried to find them, we had no idea where they were. We were just sitting outside a café just trying to figure out where Darcy is, mum phones buzzed and it was an unknown number.

“Hello is this Michelle Mahone” someone asked

“Yes it is and who is this?” mum asked

“Oh sorry this is Liz Hemmings Luke mother” I am guessing Liz said

“Hello Liz” mum said

“I am guessing you are aware about Darcy hanging out here in Aus” she asked

“Yeah” she said

“Are you allowing her to travel to the UK with Luke and his band or would you like me to convince her to travel home with you?” Liz said

Thanks for reading

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