Morning of Shool

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The day has arrived SCHOOL there is no backing out now I dread going to school for 1 reason BULLYING I get bullied everyday for 2 stupid reasons the first reason is because my name is Darcy and Darcy is a boy name to some people and I get bullied for having a boys name. The second reason is because my brother is Austin and they all tell me that he can't sing or that I should not even be alive. But all of his fans are nice and I talk to them every once in a while, I also get noticed if I am at my sporting events, I have these secret talents that not many people know about well most of the fans do because I they spot me but it is hard to keep it from people they are always asking where I am going and stuff like that and I have to lie to them and I don't really like lying.

After just lying in bed for a while I finally get up and head to the shower to wash my hair after the shower i get out and change into some shorts, a blink-182 shirts and some converse and put my hair into a braid I head down to the kitchen to see Austin sitting at the table on his laptop going through his twitter and tweeting random things I go and sit down next to him and start eating an apple that is in the fruit basket and pull out my phone and just start following some fans and tweeting a whole random bunch of stuff that I don't even understand my self.

"looking forward to school?" he asked not looking up from her phone

 "yeah I am so excited to go back what do you think no" I said and stabbing the apple

"take a chill pill girl no need to take it out on that apple"

 "you are lucky ever since you got famous you don't have to go to school but you don't have to go and get bul--" 

 "wait what were you going to say?"

 "oh um... nothing"

 "why don't you move to a school here in San Antonio than getting mum to drive you half an hour to La Vernia and you are special with that name"

"1 because all my friends are there and 2 I can't be bothered moving takes to much effort to get up and move"

" what about Sarah?"

After he mentioned Sarah flashbacks popped into my head Sarah bullied me with her group of Friends and would be all nice around me when the others where around I can do nothing to get her to stop. 


"Get out you little animal no one likes you why don't you got and jump of a cliff or something" Sarah said laughing and walking away

End Flashback

 "are you ok?" Austin asked

" yeah I am fine"

"you seem to always freeze when I talk about Sarah is there something I know"

"no what are you doing today?"

 "school, videos and BASKETBALL"

 "game later when I get home from school" I asked him

 "sure I will beat you"

 "no you won't 

 "yeah I will"

 "Yes I can I can beat you and all of your little friends how many times have I won

 "Hey they are not little and I let you win if it was not for me you would be terrible

" are  you judging me and are we going to have a whole argument on who is better"

 "um.. we could but it will not turn out well

"Darc lets go before we are late and just to let you know both of you are good at basketball. Darc do you have everything you need"

"yeah but I am way better I can beat all of Austin friends and yes I have everything cya bro"

"cya sis and don't forget about the game later"

I got up and grabbed my bag and phone and went outside and got into the car and we drove off to school, I was looking out the window watching all the girls and boys heading to school I watched the trees and the birds going past it was so early in the morning the sun is just coming up so the sky looks amazing I could spend all morning just watching the sunset.

I looked up on the dirtbike website to see if there was any new events but nothing new I also looked up to see if there was any new things I have been wanting this bike for ages but I have to win a few comps to get enough money to buy the bike it would at least take be 100 comps to get this bike why do I have an expensive hobbie why could I bike something less expensive I do dance but its less expensive.

After driving we finally arrived at school and everyone was heading to class and meeting up with friends mum parked the car and I was about to get out till mum grabbed my arm

"before you go have a great day and if anyone is getting to you call me and I will come and pick you up and if it is worst we are moving you"

 "thanks mum see you after school and thanks for advice and do you know when the next comp is I looked it up but nothing is uo?"

"no but as soon as they anounce the date I will book you in and maybe in a few weeks you can get enough money to buy that bike you really want"

"ok thanks you so much I will see you later" 

I get out of the car and head towards the school gates


Or I call HELL I waked inside and everyone was looking at me I went to my locker and got my books and then headed of to class I can do this was all I could think about I can surive today and the rest of this week I know I can

Follow me on Twitter @Infinity_1D5SOS


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