Australia here I come!!!

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A few weeks later


Welcome to Miami international Airport

This is it I am finally get out of this place, goodbye Miami hello Australia.

I head through check in and do all of that boring stuff, then through security/baggage check.

Have no heard from anyone since they left to go to Japan how am I meant to know if they are ok or not, they could be dead in the middle of nowhere.

I head to the waiting lounge for my plane to be called.

Flight 5830 to Sydney Australia is now boarding

I walk to my gate and do that normal boring stuff.


I am finally home, Japan was amazing

Flight 5830 to Sydney Australia is now boarding

I heard, I would love to go to Australia one day as I was walking I saw a girl she look very familiar.

Black hoodie, black vans, black ripped skinny jeans and Nirvana shirt it looked a lot like Darcy because she had the same bag Darcy uses when she travels it might just be me imaging things.

After getting our luggage we made our way home.

A while later

We made it home and it was spotless and it was silent, I walked around and walked towards Darcy’s door I knocked but no answer I opened the door the light was off, I switched it on and she wasn’t there. Her suitcases were missing and her bag was gone I looked in the cupboard and her black vas have disappeared.

I walked into the kitchen and there was a note on the bench addressed to all of us.

Hey Guys,

As you can tell I am no here, Where am I? I have left to go to Australia for a month. Want to know why? You left me I leave you simple, don’t even try to contact me I won’t answer and since I am heading to Australia I won’t have signal. Be back soon or maybe I might head somewhere else, I will somehow let you know but till them good bye


P.S Welcome to Miami Rob and Zac enjoy your stay

She has left to go to Australia I knew I saw her when I was leaving the airport. I check all of her social media sites and she hasn’t posted anything.

“Mum” I yell

“Yeah” she asked walking in the room

“Darcy she is gone” I said

“Where?” Australia I say


“Please fasten your seatbelts and there is no smoking in the cabin anyway Welcome to QANTAS Australia” the lady said

I don’t care I have heard it so many times, the plane took off and so lucky there was no one next to me this is going to be a long flight.

24 hours later

“Welcome to Sydney Australia”

I get off the plane and it is a lot colder than Miami I head towards luggage pickup and grab my suitcases and head to money transfer. Once I have transferred my money I head outside and get a taxi to take me to the hotel. It is about 7pm I already had dinner on the plane so maybe I should head to bed I don’t want to get a huge hit of jetlag in the morning. I check into my hotel and gods some people are rude I’m sorry I have an accent and I you can’t understand me I can’t understand you too. Once I make it to the room in one piece I have a shower and change into some PJ’s and head to bed.

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