Performance/ Moving to Miami

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“Oh for god sake” I said to my self

“What up miss grumpy boots” Austin asked

“I hate being in this stupid wheel chair” I said

“Oh c’mon it can’t be that bad you get to sit down all day” he said

“Yeah but my butt kills” I said

“Do you want your crutches?” he asked

“Yes please” I said smiling

He ran over to go and get them after about 5 minutes he came back and handed them to me, I put them underneath my arms and got up out of the chair and made my way backstage where I saw all the artist getting ready for the show, I just casual to see me going on crutches I could hear some of the other artist doing sound check and they sound amazing. I went to the main part of the arena and sat down on one of the seats and pulled my phone out and just went through twitter, tumblr and Instagram.

Later that night

Austin was about to go on stage and we were all standing in a circle wishing Austin luck and before he was about to go he gave me a note.

Dear Darcy,

Since your outfit go ruined in the accident I have decided to pay for you to get a new outfit if you ever wanted to go back to the sport and I will also help put in money for the bike just let me know, you are such a brave girl and I am so lucky to have you as a sister. I love you so much I don’t know how my life would be without you we may not get along at times but that’s what siblings do we will never always agree on things but when you fall I will be there to catch you (gross this sound like a love letter oh god you know what I mean)

Love your amazing brother Austin

There was also picture it was when I was two and Austin was about three and we were sitting on the front lawn and I had ice-cream all over my face and Austin was just laughing his head off.   

I walked out to the main area and saw that Austin was on stage doing what he loves most and I guess these past years have paid off, I was standing next to Alex and he was filming a keek of the concert.

After Austin performance we went home and everyone went up to their rooms straight away and I walked and they were all packing their bags.

“What going on?” I asked

“WERE MOVING TO MIAMI!!” Austin said running up to me

“Go pack” he said

I ran off to my room and started to pack all of my clothes in the suitcases I had and pack everything up that I want to take to Miami since Aunt Lisa is going to move in once we leave.

It has been a few days since Mum, Austin and Alex all left for Miami I wanted to stay a little longer and I helped Aunt Lisa set things up since she is no living here, now it is my turn to board the flight I am standing in the airport waiting for my flight to be called, I am so excited to go to Miami even if it has druggies I don’t care I will just stay away from them. I was just walking around for a bit until I bumped into a guy I looked up and he had pink hair not many people can pull of pink hair but he can.

“Sorry” I said

“No worries I should have watched where I was going what your name I’m Michael”

“Hi Michael my name is Darcy” I said

“That name sounds familiar” he said

“But where um…. OMG your Darcy the Darcy Mahone” he said out of nowhere

“Yeah” I said confused

“I am Michael Luke Hemming’s band mate not ringing a bell 5 Seconds of Summer”

Luke he commented on after I did an ustream and I was getting hate from it.

“Oh Luke I know who he is” is said

Flight 174 to Miami now boarding

“That’s me bye” I said walking away


I headed back to the boys as we were waiting for our flight back home to be called.

“Where the hell have you been?” Calum asked

“I met a girl” I said

“Name?” Ashton asked

“Darcy, Darcy Mahone” I said

Once I said that Luke’s head popped up from his phone but played it cool by acting like he was stretching, smooth dude no one else who popped their head up that fast there has to be something going on between them, the way that she walked of straight away seems odd why was she heading to Miami I know she lives her in San Antonio why is she heading to Miami and it seems like she was in a rush.

I follow her on twitter and saw that she has posted a new tweet

@DarcyMahone: Can’t wait to live in Miami thanks to @AustinMahone for giving me the chance

She is moving to Miami, that’s probably why she was in a rush, I hope we get to meet her soon she seems like really down to earth kinds of person not worrying about what is going on with life and just going with the flow.

Flight 2853 to Australia is now boarding

We got our bags and made out way to our plane.


Michael seems like a nice person wish I could of talked longer I could do it over twitter but he might not ready his DM I could just tweet him and see if he gets it. I sit down and a girl about my age sits next to me.


“Yeah” I said

We talked for the rest of the flight her name is Jade and she is heading to Miami for a holiday I gave her my number and said that we should catch up while she was in Miami, once we landed we said our goodbyes and I waited forever till I heard Austin yell out for me, I just stood there waiting for him to come and give me a hand since I don’t have enough hands to carry all of my suitcases, he came over and helped me drag them to the car after what felt forever we fitted them all in. Austin being Austin didn’t know that he could fold the seats down god I need to teach they boy a couple of things.

We got in the car and made our way out of the airport and headed to the apartment. Once we got there is was huge is was amazing he lead me inside the place it was a penthouse I could get use to this, he showed me my room and it had an amazing view of the beach and the street below and in the corner was a red and black Segway with my name in cursive black writing, I have my own Segway I am so lucky.

Thanks for reading

Follow me on twitter @infinity_1d5sos

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