The Plan/ The game

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Darcy POV

The next morning I woke up feeling fresh for the day to come and then I remembered today is the day that we are going to prove to Alex that Sarah is not what he thinks she is. I got changed did my hair and went down to the kitchen to find something to eat and saw Austin in the kitchen on his phone

“Ready?” he asked with a mouth full of food

“Yes but next time don’t eat with your mouth full” I said

He just gave me the face like I don’t care we got in the car and drove to school, once we got there I got out and told him that I will see him later for the plan, later that day the girls and finished class and started heading towards the café but I took them a different way I turned around and saw they were so confused.

“What the hell do you think you are doing heading this way?” Emily said

“Do you realizes this is Sarah’s part of the school” Sophie said

“Do you want to die?” Ashley said

“Calm down we are heading this way because we are going to prove that Sarah is not who Alex thinks she is and don’t ask question: I said

“Awesome lets go” they said

We kept walking towards the lockers where Sarah and her friends hang out and once we got closer they spotted us we stopped walking and waited for them to walk up to us

“Look what the trash brought in I never knew that Austin had a younger brother oh that’s right you have a boy’s name” Sarah said laughing

“You might want to be careful about what you say you will probably regret saying any of this” I said

“You telling me to watch my mouth missy?” she asked

“Um... Yeah” I said stepping back a bit

“Well you should watch your mouth you bitch” she said stepping closer

“ don't call me a bitch and what would Alex say if he saw you doing this to me” I said

“I will tell him my side of the story and make sure he believes me not you and then he would hate you and your friends are only friends with you because of your brother” she said look proud at her self

“We have been friends since preschool” I said backing my friends up

Austin POV

I arrive at school about lunch you know just casually walk through the doors like I own the place I see Alex before he could say anything I dragged him to where I got told and wait behind the corner. After I hear something about preschool I push Alex out and walked out after him I look at his face and he is utterly confused.

“What it going on?” Alex asked

“Darcy is being a bitch and is bulling me” Sarah said

I just rolled my eyes

“That’s a load of shit why would she do that?” he asked

Because she thinks she is this amazing person because her brother is famous” Sarah said

“Or are you jealous because she has an amazing life?” Alex asked

“I have the most fabulous life” Sarah said in a baby voice

“Darcy actually does thinks you know” Alex said

“Like what” Sara questioned

“She plays basketball every day after school and goes to training in between that and probably does other crazy things that I don’t know about” Alex Said

“Yeah right”

“Prove it to you park near my house 5 o'clock sharp” Darcy said

Sarah agrees and they walk away and so does Darcy and Alex and I are left in the hallway he has this sad look on his face not believe what he just saw and heard.

Later that day

We arrive at the basketball court and I see Darcy and her friends and she is just shooting hoops waiting for the others to arrive. After about 5 minutes Sarah and her gang arrives looks like they are ready to take my sister down but I know they can't. Darcy wanted to play by herself Sarah and her gang were laughing and trying to put Darcy down because they think that they can beat her but they have no chance at winning Darcy knows what to do she is skillful and can just take them down easily she could even do this in herself if she wanted to.

Later in the game

It’s funny because halfway through Sarah tried to trip Darcy but she just jumped over her and kept on playing they also keep trying to blame her for contact when it is them doing all the contact, it has been 30 minutes and their makeup is funning and they are saying how tired they are in the end it is Sarah and Darcy head to head and Sarah keeps yelling at Darcy for cheating in the end Sarah gave up because she knew that she was losing.

“I GIVE UP YOU WIN I WILL LEAVE YOU ALONE” Sarah yelled getting her things and running away

Alex told Darcy that he was sorry for not noticing and went home Darcy said bye to her friends and everyone went in their own directions Darcy and I went home and she went up to have a shower and I went into the lounge room and started to watch some T.V, about hour later Darcy came down and sat next to me and we watched some T.V till mum came home from work we had dinner together as a family but we didn’t tell her about the game today we are just going to let it go for a bit and see if she comes back and tries to do anything to Darcy.

Darcy POV

 It felt good to have a game today and winning is even better I knew that I would win not many people can win against me the only time they would win is when I am not really in the mood to play or I am not just playing but most of the time I win and they always tell me that I cheat but they can’t tell me why. But there is a lot of pressure in training the coach works you so hard that you can’t walk probably by the end of it and your arms feel like they are about to fall off.

Not sure if I mentioned buy Alex stayed over it so you don't get confused in the next chapter

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