Meeting Calum and Luke

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I am so excited to meet Darcy, I have seen her around a lot in the celebrity world and she is gorgeous. But I know that Luke likes her so I can’t do that to my best mate. Luke is busy for a while so I thought I would show her around the place.

I pull up and park near the hotel and wait for her outside this is one fancy hotel I guess she has enough money to pay for it. After waiting for a couple of minutes I see walks out of the doors and the wind blowing in her face. I call out her name and she walks up to me and gives me a hug friendly person I can see. We first head of to a phone shop so she can get a sim card for Australia since she is staying here for a while, we walk into the first phone shop we see and she didn’t want to get the most expensive plan so we just went for the cheapest one we could find. We swapped numbers and I gave her the boy’s numbers as well. I saw that she has some pretty famous people in her contacts.

“You have Katy Perry as your contact?” I asked

“Yeah” she said smiling

We continued to walk around getting stopped every now and then my fans asking for photos with both of us and thinking we are together but have to keep telling them we are just friends. At about lunch time we met up with Luke at the Sydney Opera house we told him to meet us at 1 and came an hour later.

“God Lucas where the hell have you been?” I asked

“I got caught up” he said

“With what?” I asked

“Mum wanted me to help out with a few things and when I told her that I had to leave she asked me to do a couple of things” he said

“Well anyway this is Darcy” I said to Luke

“Hey” she said

“I will leave you to it then” I said walking away


She is gorgeous, she the most perfect smile and her eyes are amazing.

“Luke” she said waving her hands in my face

“Yeah” I asked

She just giggled and pulled my hand leading me somewhere, we walk around the Sydney for the rest of the day and later that night we went back to her hotel and sat down. We were about to go out for dinner when her phone buzzed and she picked it up and it looked like all the blood just washed out of her face.


Oh no, he is in Australia

@AustinMahone: @DarcyMahone I know you are here in Sydney we are coming to look for you

I searched up my name in the search bar and saw the all the fans have been posting picture with me in Sydney when I was out with Calum, this is going to be great he know I am here he can’t find me anytime soon I don’t want to be found not at all.

“You ok?” he asked

“No” is all I could say

“What’s wrong?” he asked

“He is here in Australia he is here I don’t want to be found I need to get out of here” I said

I started running around packing everything in the suitcases that I brought. Luke grabbed onto me and he look straight into my eyes and I could see that he is concerned about me.

“We will go together meet me out the front in an hour” he said and ran out the door

I just nodded and continued to pack everything in the suitcases, after about half an hour once I finished I went to down to the lobby and checked out. I met Luke out the front and he had his suitcases with him, there was a taxi there waiting for us he held out his hand for me to take and once I took it I heard someone call my name.

“Darcy?” I heard someone say

I turned and saw Alex, oh no

“Don’t worry they are a bit further back I just want to make sure you are ok we go so scared but at least you are ok where are you heading?” he asked

“Melbourne” I said

“Mate take good care of her” Alex said doing a bro hug with Luke

I could hear their voices coming I looked at Luke and we said bye to Alex and got in the taxi and made our way to the airport, once we got there we checked in and made sure we had everything we needed, we went and sat down at the once of restaurants since we haven’t had any dinner yet we just went to Nandos and got some chicken and chips.

Flight 59 to Melbourne is now boarding

We get up and make our way towards the gate, I hold onto Darcy’s hand she doesn’t seem to mind that much we get our tickets scanned and then went and sat down at our seats. Darcy got the window seat and spent most of the time just looking out the window somewhat amazed at the scenery around her, I took a photo and uploaded it to twitter not mention her at all and since it was dark you couldn’t see her face at all. Once the plane landed we got off and made our way to get our bags it has been a long night and Darcy looked like she was about to fall asleep in my arms we got our luggage and made out way to a taxi.

I had no idea where we were going to stay I looked up online and saw a nice hotel that is on the river, I called in and booked in a room for both of us. Once we got there Darcy looks so tired she must have some jetlag in her. We pull in I pay the driver and went to the front desk to get the hotel room, we got into the life and made our way to our floor once we got to the door I unlocked it with the key and one Darcy was in the room she just fell on top of the bed and shut her eyes and was out like a lightning bolt. At least she was wearing sweatpants I picked her up and moved her to the side that I pulled open, I tucked her in and got changed and go in on the other side. Trying to keep my distance from her I don’t want to get in big for sleeping with her.

About half way through the night I felt something on my chest I turned the light on and saw that Darcy was resting her head on my chest, I turn the light off and went back to sleep. I have a good feeling that we are going to get a long really well.

The next morning I woke up and saw that I had about 200 text messages most of them were from the boys asking where I was I just texted them back saying that I was in Melbourne with Darcy for some problems and we have no idea when we would be back but we would we keep them updated.  Darcy was still asleep and her hair was all over the place probably so was mine.

Later that day Darcy finally woke up and we went out to get some breakfast to eat and we ran into a couple of fans but that was about it.

Thanks for reading

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