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I have this bad feeling that Luke is totally freaking out, I wonder if Austin had heard the news, wait he doesn’t even know I am coming home. Great I am stuck in the middle of the ocean two people dead and so many injured kids are screaming, couples are yelling at each other, and it seems like everyone has someone that is taking care of them and here I am sitting on a life raft with no one.

“Sweetie are you ok?” a lady said to me

“Yeah I’m fine” I said give her a small smile

“You don’t seem fine, is there anyone here with you” she asked

“No my boyfriend is back in Australia on tour and my brother is on tour at the moment” I said

“Wow it seems you like your music” she said

I just nodded and we kept on talking for a bit.

Later that day

We got rescued from a passing cruise ship and all I saved was my phone and wallet and everything else was lost, I am currently just standing on the balcony of the boat with the wind blowing in my hair and wishing that I was back in Australia, I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned around and saw Austin standing there I rushed into his arms, it felt like forever since we have been together he held out his phone and saw that it was ringing Luke. I held it up to my ear and how good it was to hear his voice again we talked for what seems like forever I talked to the rest of the boys and said that I would be back before I know it. I reunited with the family how good it was to finally be back with mum and Willow.

Hours later

I was walking through the doors of the apartment that I haven’t been through in weeks and gods it smells the same. When I walked through to my bedroom it was the same as I left it as, and there was a suitcase that looks like the same one that I lost, I opened it and there was the clothes that I lost but brand new how?

“I called up Luke and he gave me some description on the clothes you had and I had a friend go out and by them” mum said

I ran up to her and gave her a huge hug and said how much I love her. I unpacked everything and went out and sat out on the balcony, it looked out onto the beach and it was dark and you could see all the apartment lights on and the fresh Miami air. I am so glad to be home but I am missing Luke and the boys a lot it different without them, I am so used to them running around the hotel rooms screaming at each other or just sitting there in silence on their phones. After sitting outside for a while I head back inside have a shower and head to bed.

The next morning I woke up to my phone buzzing next to me I looked at it and saw that I was getting lots of twitter indications, and there was this trend happening and I my name was in it.


They are wondering where I am I haven’t said anything I don’t think that the boys have told anyone as well, I send out a quick tweet just letting everyone know that I am fine.

@DarcyMahone: I am alright I am back in US had some rough patches along that way but I am fine, I didn’t want to leave but I felt like it was the best Luke and I are still together I am not going anywhere love you all Darc xx

I get dress and head into the kitchen to get some breakfast after that, I headed out the door to walk around Miami for a bit, I bumped into some fans and we talked for a while we went to the local café and sat down and they asked me lots of question that I was happy to answer. They thought that Luke and I were the cutest couple ever.

“Would you ever go back to bike racing?” one of the girls asked

“Yeah I would love to, but I don’t know if I could go back after what happened the last time I raced” I said

“You don’t have to answer but what happened” one girl asked

“I was in serious accident I was only meters away from the finish line, one of the other girls who was also competing decided that she wanted to win and somehow got a barrel thing and pushed it out so I would crash into it and all I remember is waking up in a cast and that’s all I can really remember but I do really want to get behind the handle bars again”

We kept on talking we walked around went down onto the beach sat around kept talking I promised the girls that I will follow them on twitter I gave them my number I have a feeling that these girls could be my new friends, I lost all contact with Emily, Ashley and Sophie since I moved to Miami and then I had the incident with Ali and how she used but since then I was so scared to let anyone in my life but I couldn’t go with no friends.

There is two of them one has long blonde hair with blue eyes reminds me so much of Luke and the other girl said that she had died her hair a lot, reminds me of Michael, and there is another girl that is friends but she is on a trip to the UK so I get to meet her when she gets back. The blonde one her name is Sam and the crazy coloured her name is Dani and the girl that is on a trip her name is Rylie.

I am glad that I have made new friends I just hope that this can stay this way, it is starting to hit me that Luke is miles away from me and I can’t just run into his arms like that the closet to seeing him is through Skype. I said bye to the girls and we made a time to meet up again and maybe go watch a movie and walked back into the apartment and no one was there all there was is a note on the table.


We all have gone out we will be back soon and there will be a surprise for you too

Love Mum xx


Wonder what the surprise is

Thank you to my best friends (runningtoyourfurture) for my cover

Tell me what you think, I am thinking of ending this story soon tell me what you think

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