Life is so hard!

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The next morning I woke up to a rude shock with Austin standing over the top of me with an empty bucket and me soaking wet it took me a couple of seconds to work out what happened but it clicked to that he threw a bucket of water on me and he was already out the door and I was hot on his heels, he ran around the whole house until he came to a sudden stop and I ran right into the back of him and this was the perfect opportunity  to get him back so I gave him a huge hug and would not let go then I saw mum standing in front of us with her hands of her hips giving “what the hell” look. I let go of him and stood next to him,

“What have you two been up to?” she said

“He… threw a bucket of water on me to wake me up” I said

“And was the a nice thing to do Austin” mum said

He just shook he is head and mum told me to go and get ready for school, I went back up to me room and changed and also had to change the bed because somebody decided it was a good idea to wake me up with a bucket. After getting dressed and doing what I normally do in the morning I went down to the car and Austin said that he would drive me so we got into his range rover and started to head towards school. Once we got there I got out and said bye and meet up with some friends until Sarah and her friends came up to me and got right into my face.

“Look who decided to show up?” she said laughing

“Why would I not show up?” I said

“Didn’t I tell you one time to get the hell out of here?” she said getting closer

“And I have to listen to you?” I said

“Of course you do you little bitch” she said giving me a little push

“Don’t you dare touch me” I yelled at her

And before I knew I was on the floor with her on top of me trying to throw punches but I kept dodging them and this went on for a few seconds till someone pulled her off me and I looked up and saw the principal there and gave both of us the look and told us to follow him. We followed him into the office and he told us to both have a seat and he said for me to come and have a chat with him.

“So can you tell me what happened out there?” he said getting out his laptop and started typing things up

“Well Austin dropped me of at the gates and I walked up to some friends and started to talk to them and then Sarah come up to and started to say rude things and before I know it I was on the ground and she was trying to throw punches at me but I just missed them” I said

“Thank you Miss you maybe go out there and wait and tell Sarah to come in” he said

I got up and went out and told her to go in and I went and sat down in one of the chairs waiting to see what was going to happen after a few minutes I started to hear her yell and then she stormed out of the room and came towards me and was about to throw me another punch but someone got to her before she could hurt but she just yelled out abusive words. I am guessing she is suspended for a week and that’s why she is like this she can’t say rude things for a whole week that is hell for her but great for me a whole week without Sarah, I got dismissed and I saw Austin waiting for me I ran over and jumped in and it was a silent ride home all you could hear was the radio playing lightly I pulled my phone out and went through my social media sites and saw that people were sending me hate and calling me names, I don’t get how I get hate in a flash for some reason I have a feeling about this I went to Sarah’s twitter and saw the tweet.

@SarahWrightTX: Don’t follow @DarcyMahone she is a little bitch and got me suspended for week.

 That’s where I am getting this sudden cause of hate but it’s not fair I didn’t even do anything to here to she is just going overboard I decide that I would just go bed and try to forget all about this but it just comes and haunts me in my sleep I can’t go on any social media site there is just hate getting thrown at me from all different angles there are a few fans that are sticking up for me but if I click on their profile,

I am following them and so is Austin but they think that it is ok for them to send hate it like it not going to hurt me but it really affects me why am I here this is going to end bad and I know it, I guess dirt bike racing will keep my mind of things but it doesn’t always help because there is so much pressure on me to win there are days I just want to give up but it won’t do anything and that us just stupid to give up things that you are good at.

When I was younger I was hoping to be able to travel the world with dirt bike and compete in different parts of the world and have enough money to travel to Australia and I don’t want Austin paying for me it’s not fair he earns the money and he sould be able to spend it on what ever he wants and not having to spend it on his sister who gets her own money anyway and he gets to travel around and I stay home becasue it would cost to much for me to tag along and I am old enough now to stay at home but it would be nice to be able to travel the world with him but I just don't want to get into the way.

Follow me on Twitter @Infinity_1D5SOS


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