Back to Australia!!!!!!

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Months Later been home for a few months caught up 


“Ali?” I said into the phone

“Where the hell have you been bitch?” she said back

“Woah calm down I will tell you the story” I said

“I don’t want to hear your side of the story I bet you are using Luke for fame and your brother as well I wish I never met you, you are such a little bitch oh and thanks for those free tickets to the concert it was amazing and never ever call me again” she said hanging up

“Oh ok” I said into the dead line

I went over to my bed and just sat there I never did anything to her all I did was forget to call her and not give her any update, she used me to get closer to Austin now I can never trust anyone all I faith is with my family and the boys of 5SOS. I am knock out of my thoughts when I hear a knock at my door I look up and see Luke looking at me with sadness in his eyes.

“You ok” he asked coming over to me and sitting next to me

“Ali my ex- best friend left me” I said leaning into his shoulder

A month later

The boys have been here for about a month now and are heading home to do a tour and guess what, I am going with them the rest of the family is great Foolish 4 has reunited and are joining Austin on his tour and he as just left with mum and Willow, she has gotten so big not she had the choice on who she wanted to go with she wanted to go with mum, at the moment I am currently packing my bags and there are clothes everywhere I hear my phone buzz and see I have a text from Austin.

From Austin

“Hey sis have fun in Australia love you heaps and will keep you up dated tell the boy I say I and make sure you keep that Luke kids he has some amazing talent”

I smile and keep on packing my bags about hours later I finally and fitted what I needed in my suitcases and rolled them out the door grabbed my carryon bag and locked the door. And met with the taxi driver and told him where to go, once I got to the airport and check in and headed to the lounge area and tweeted out


I instantly got lots of likes and retweets and 5SOS fans asking if I was joining them on tour I ignore those question and wait for my plane to be called after about hour waiting it was finally called I made my way to the plane and sat in first class “THANKS TO AUSTIN FOR THIS” and waited for the plane to go I looked around and saw that everyone was seated and the air hostess was showing us the safety and stuff like that.

What felt like forever I finally landed in Sydney I made my way out of the plane and headed to get my bags went through customs and when I got to the exit there was a lot of girls and even boys waiting there I thought they were here for someone else but they were here for me they came up to me and started talking about how much I am a inspiration to them and asked if I could sign a few things and one girl came up to me and said that my ex-best friend Ali was making up rumors about and she showed me her phone and there was a picture with a text that I apparently sent her and I looked at the time and I was on the plane at the time and I started reading the tweets and they were all backing me up.

After getting through everyone I made my way to the exit hoping to find the taxi I am meant to get after a while a black van pulls up in front of me and SANTA pops out just kidding it was Luke he walked up to me and pulled me into his arms and I wrapped my arms around his waist just breathing in his sent and we stayed here for what seemed hours when it was only minutes I looked over and saw the other boys there and ran up to them giving them hugs and we got in the van and made our way to the hotel where we will be staying.

Once we got to the hotel we sorted out here everyone was staying Calum wanted to share a room with Luke, but Luke wanted to share a room with me this went on for about 10 minutes until Ashton stepped in saying that Luke get's to share a room with be cause I am his girlfriend and they always get to share a room. Cal goes of to find Michael and complain that I broke Cake up, I went into the hotel room boy it was nice I did'nt unpack my bag because we weren't going to be staying long. 

The boys said that they are going out for dinner with their families and asked if I wanted to come with them but I told them that they need some alone time and I would go for a little walk around the streets of Sydney. The boys all have left and I changed into some jeans, a black t-shirt with a moon on it, a 5SOS jumper and some vans. I get my wallet and phone and lock the hotel room and head down to the lobby. I know I only just got of a 24 hour flight I ain't tired no big deal. I walked around the streets just looking at the shops and my phone buzzed in my pocket I picked it up and saw that Austin texted me.

From Austin

"Hey sis text me when you get this just making sure you got to Australia safe"

I texted back

To Austin

"I am safe love you"

I head back to the hotel and have a shower and change into some sweats and a light t-shirt and hopped into bed and watched some T.V for a while and waited for the others to get back.


I decided that I would continue with this story and check out my other one “Living in the Shadows” I posted a little introduction. Thanks for reading please comment and feed back is loved. 

Love you guys heaps

Happy Reading

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