Back in Miami

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3 months later


OMG I am finally heading home, it has been wonderful to be home for a while, in the time being in Texas I caught up with some friends that I just happened to bump into and basically caught up on my school that I now won’t have to do while in Miami I can just prepare myself for school, which I don’t want to go to and I also caught up with Jade since she was in the same area I was. I walk into the airport head to check in do all of that morning stuff and then head to the waiting lounge for my plane to be called.

1 hour later

Flight 2394 to Miami is now boarding

I get up out of my seat and make my way towards the gate, once I get on I put my carryon bag in the overhead locker and sit down lucky me I have a window seat, after a while everyone is on and a girl about my age sits next to me.

"Hi my name is Ali" she said

"Hi my name is Darcy" I said

"What are you doing heading to Miami" I ask

"I am going to the Austin Mahone concert you" she said

"Heading home oh and it must be you’re lucky day here is two backstage passes to meet him" I say handing her the VIP cards

"How?" she asked taking them from me

"Austin is my brother" I say

She takes a few glances back and forth

"OMG I am so silly I didn’t even notice can I get a picture" she said

"Of course and what is your twitter and I will get Austin to follow"

"@mahomie4life" she said

A while later our plane landed and I took a picture with her and told her that I was going to be at the concert tonight,and I  gave her a hug before walking to get my luggage, after that I went to find a taxi and told the man the address and we were on our way.

After a while we finally got my place I paid the driver and started walking towards the lifts once I got in I went to our floor I was at the front door and I could hear yelling from the inside I just unlocked it and walked right in and I got water poured all over me I looked up and saw a bucket they did that door trick on me.

I walked around trying to find them when I saw them sitting on the couch I jumped on top of Alex and Austin they looked at me with a shock on their faces

"Why is your hair wet?" Austin asked

"Um... let me see a bucket of water fell on my head" I said

"Oh that was meant for Rob" Alex said

“You idiots” I said getting of them

I got up and went to me room it has not been touched since I left I went and got ready for the concert tonight. 

I am standing side stage next to Ali and her face looks likes child face on Christmas, I have not seen mum around since I got here I feel like something is going on and they don't want me to know. After the concert Austin and Alex come up to me and they get photos with Ali and run off towards the exit. All I heard was a bye see you later I got Ali number because she is in Miami for a while, so we could catch up after the concert. Why are planes where I find my friends? I see mum walk to me and before I could say something she beat me to it.

"We are going to Japan for a while" she said and walks of

Does that mean I am coming or not I walked around trying to find everyone but they are gone phone vibrates telling me I have a text, could it be Austin?

“You will be fine by yourself see you in a few weeks there is money the bench” he texted

This is crazy I am getting left alone for a few weeks Ali has gone so I have no way home than getting a taxi I hail one down and head back home. Once i get there I go into the kitchen and there is the money with a note.


We are sorry for leaving you like this but this was uncalled for and we had to go and they didn’t get a ticket for you  cause I wasn’t sure when you were going to get back, but I am sure you will be fine just remember school starts soon and look after the place, see you soon

Mum, Austin and Alex xx

They think that it is ok to leave me alone when I have been away for 3 months I am starting to think they don't want me here I walk to my room and pull out my laptop and look up places to go when out of the corner of my eye I see the plane ticket to Australia, I looked at the date of the flight and it was when I was planning on going, I booked a hotel room in Sydney and I guess I will just plan from there. I get my suitcase which is still packed and swap some clothes around and put things in. I texted Ali telling her that I was going to Australia and she told me that she was moving to Miami soon. I have a shower and change into some sweatpants and go and sit down on the balcony.

I opened up Instagram and put a picture of the view with a Home alone heading to Australia soon as the comment I got so many comments and likes and everyone was asking when and why but no one needs to know why I am going to Australia then I went on twitter and saw I had a DM from Calum Hood from 5SOS is this Luke’s band member?

Calum5sos: hi 

DarcyMahone: hello?

Calum5sos: This is Luke’s band member see you are heading to AUS!

DarcyMahone: yeah in a few weeks

Calum5sos: why?

DarcyMahone: everyone has gone to Japan

Calum5sos: oh come to Sydney and I think somebody over here wants to meet you

Calum5sos: yeah I am going to Melbourne, Sydney and Gold Coast oh really

Calum5sos: when are you going?

DarcyMahone: um... February 1st to the 24th

Calum5sos: long time we have to meet each other, we don’t have to your choice you might not even want to meet me

DarcyMahone: yes and I would love to meet you I have heard your music love it.

Calum5sos: oh thanks well I have to go talks sometime soon

DarcyMahone: bye

I cannot wait to go to Australia!!!

Hey Guys,

Sorry for not updating in like forever but I had no Idea what to write and I am letting you know now that I have changed a bit of it 5 seconds of summer will be in this and if you don't like them you don't have to read it your choice but anyway I am giving you an extra-long cause I feel bad for not updating at all so here is your chapter. School holidays are coming to close soon but I am going to do a timetable when I will update and it will be on my twitter so you have to follow me on that soon. I will try to update a least a few times a week there should at least me a chapter every week but I don't know what day that will be so keep checking to see if this update.

Love you guys


Follow me on twitter- @Infinity_1D5SOS

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