The mystery person?

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Darcy POV

That afternoon after the competition when we got home the boys were in the driveway playing basketball.

“Hey guys” I said

“Hey” they both said back

I went to the car and got out my bike gear that I have to take inside and mum brought me trophy in, and set it down the table so I could go and put it away.

“How long have you been doing it for?” Alex asked

“About two years and just had a winning streak ten times in a row I am having a few week break my bike needs to get fixed up” I said

“What does it look like” Alex asked

I showed him a photo and he started to drool over my bike weird kid

“It looks custom made?” he asked

“Yeah it is there is this guy and he does it for me I want to see your bike” I said

“Let’s go to my place and I will show you” he said

We started to walk towards his house we don’t live that far from each other after about 5 minutes we made to his house and we went into his garage and I saw his bike sitting in the corner, I went up to it and started to look at it looked like it could use a checkup and a service.

“When was the last time you got this serviced?” I asked

“A couple of years ago” he said

“I can book you into the same place that I get mine done and you can customize it like add more colours of something if you wanted to your choice and it’s free because I have been going there for a while and we don’t pay anymore” I said still looking at the bike

“If you could do that would be amazing thank you” he said

I went outside and made a call to my teacher and mechanic

 On the call

“Darcy how is my favorite girl going” Brad said

“Fine um… I was wondering if you could help me out” I said

“Yeah sure what do you need?” He asked

“Can you service my friends bike and maybe help him customize it?” I asked

“Yeah sure bring it down and I will have a look at it and I booked you in for a comp in a couple weeks because I knew you wanted to have a break and let some other people win, this one girl came up to me and said that we are cheating because you have a famous brother and they are sucking up to and I told her that is a load of crap we could change your last name and it wouldn’t make a difference” he said

“And that is why you are my favorite person I got to go when do you want me to bring it down?” I asked

“You can bring it down tomorrow your bike is nearly done and I was think maybe you could change the colours around for the next comp so you have a fresh new look?”

“Yeah sure and that is a good idea ok I will see you tomorrow” I said

I hung up and went back into Alex garage and told him the new and he totally agreed with me I said bye and started to walk back to my place I decided that I would take a detour and walk around the park as I am walking around I look around and see lots of families with their children’s and see how happy they are.

I get lost in my mind until I walk into someone and I look up and their face looks really familiar but I could not pick it out of anywhere I said I was sorry and kept on walking I looked behind and they were wearing black skinny jeans, black vans, a black jacket, snapback and there shirt I saw when I bumped into him was a black nirvana shirt that outfit also looks really familiar but I could not tell who the person was.

I kept walking back home but that guy was still in the back of my but where have I seen him before, when I make it home dinner is ready and I went and sat at the table and had dinner, after dinner I went up to my room and had a shower and got changed it some pj’s and went on my phone I was looking at twitter and a lot of people are saying that Luke is in the area but I can’t seem to find any pictures so the person I walked into could have been Luke. That night I went to sleep think that I just met Luke.

The next morning

I woke up and did what I normally did in the morning and went down and had some breakfast and then went over to Alex house we got his bike in the trailer and I told him which way to go to get to the place where I am getting my bike fixed it takes a couple of hours but I don’t mind, I went on my phone and went onto twitter and saw that Luke is in my area but only for a day since the 1D boys are only here for a few days I walked into Luke Hemmings and I didn’t even know how can I be so stupid I am pretty sure it was Luke not 100% sure but oh well.

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