Payback time!!

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Darcy POV

Next Morning

The next morning I woke up one the couch and Alex and Austin were sleeping on the floor or the other couch they were still sound asleep and I didn’t feel like getting yelled at because I made the couch all wet but I wanted to get Austin back for waking me up with a bucket of water, I looked around the lounge room to see if I could use anything and sitting on the table was a black sharpie. A perfect idea popped into me head and I started to work on Austin because I knew that he would not wake up, and I wrote “HUG ME” and also added a moustache too and for Alex I did the same thing with the moustache and added glasses around his eyes. I put the lid back on and went to my room to change into some different clothes after that I got my Jordan’s and went outside and started to shoot some hoops. From where I was standing I could see Angel running around I ran over to the door and opened it letting her out she started to run around.

After a while I got bored and went inside and the boys were still asleep I went into the kitchen I started to make some breakfast and while I was eating that I heard screaming coming from the lounge room and they both came running in with shocked looks on their faces they both looked at each other and started running towards me but I got of my chair before you could say “mahomie” and started to run around the house and ended up in the backyard I was trapped before I could saying anything I was on the floor and they both were on top of me tickling the living day lights out of me.

“MUM HELP” I screamed

She came running into the room and stopped once she realized what is going on

“Did you dra-“she started but I cut her of

“Yeah it was funny” I said

“No it wasn’t” Alex said getting up

 “How the hell am I related to you” Austin asked

“Ask mum” I said

“Well there is a man and a women and-“ she started


“You asked” mum said walking away

Austin got up and he put his hand out for me to take and it took it but pulled him back down next to me and go up and went into the kitchen to finish to of me half-finished breakfast. Alex and Austin went to the bathroom to clean of their faces and then came down and joined us for breakfast about half way through the doorbell rang I got up and went to the door to answer and stood there was Ms. Sarah Wright the person who makes my life terrible.

“What the hell are you doing here?” she asked

“Last time I checked I lived here” I said

“Wasn’t talking to you” she snapped

“I stayed over if that is ok with you” Alex said

“You spend more time here than you do with me” Sarah said starting to complain

“You would be welcome if you didn’t get on me nerves every single day” I said

“Oh so now it’s my fault” she said

“I never said it was yours” I answered back  

“Don’t talk back you little bitch” she yelled in my face

“Whatever” I said

But in a flash of a second I felt a hand come in contact with my cheek it took me a second to realize what just happened

“What the hell was that for?” Austin yelled

“She deserved that” Sarah said laughing

“I don’t deserve living like this I have never done anything to you” I said standing up

“Yeah you have but I would not say those things I will just make up rumors and make sure everyone believes me” she said

“That’s it we are over” Alex yelled

“What no Alex please” Sarah begged

“No you can’t go around treating people like crap it is not on she can’t even hurt a fly and you are blaming her for doing a whole heap of things to her and you can’t even name them” Alex said

“It is all your fault if you left we would never had this problem it is all your fault you will pay you little bitch” Sarah said walking away

“Darc we are running late we need to go” mum said

“Sure let me get my things” I said

“Where are you going?” Alex asked

“Dirt bike racing” I said running out the door


At the comp

Mum wished me luck and I took me spot and the start and waited to go it felt like forever till it was my turn I was watching the person in front of me go and she crashed right before the finish line now I was nervous nearly everyone mucked up on that last turn I need to win this I am currently in second and that can all change I can go up to first or I can just crash and that is the end, before I knew it I was on the track on going around all the corners perfectly until it came to the last one I tried to think about was being able to get around and I made it around the last corner and got to the finish line in once peace. I took my helmet of and waited for the score I was the last rider she this is like life or death.

“THE WINNER IS ……… DARCY MAHONE” the announcer said

I went up to the podium and claimed my trophy and I thanked all the other people and went down to meet with mum. Lots of people were congratulating me on winning this would be my 10th win in a row if I didn’t crash at the last section  a couple weeks ago and I was so close but it was one little bump and it made me go flying it was terrible we loaded my bike back in the truck and my coach took it back to the shed to fix it up because some of the parts on the bike needed to get changed and this was the perfect timing cause I am taking a little break for a few week and let other people have a chance and it would take him a while to fix it anyway.

Today turned into a good day and I ended on a happy note

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A/N Sarah is Alex ex I am pretty sure but I love her and she is amazing I just needed a name and I kind didn’t realize when I started writing that Alex’s girlfriend is called Sarah till about halfway through but enjoy thanks.

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