Get Creative, Competition,Crash

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After driving for what seems like forever we finally made it to this little farm and Darcy get out of the car and goes up to this man and gives him a hug she waved me over to come meet this guy who will be fixing my bike and helping me customize it.

“Hey Brad this is Alex” She said

I gave his hand a little shake and he helped me get my bike of the trailer and we went into his garage and he helped me to fix it and he even added some part to it, I looked over and saw Darcy drawing out something and it looked like a plan for the new things she wants on her bike.

A while later

My biked is finally finished and we added different colours to it I thanked Brad and I could hear motors going I looked around and could not see Darcy I went out of the shed and saw someone shredding the track and there was a man near the finish line with a timer and clip board seems like she is doing a time trial and they are not the most easiest things on earth. Once she is done we put her bike back in the shed and hook up my bike and Brad tells her that the comp is tomorrow not in a few weeks and we all got invited to go and watch her.

I thanked him for doing my bike and told him that I would see him a couple of hours. We got in the car and drove the few hours back to her place, once we got there I dropped her off and drove back to my place.

 Next Day


“Darcy it’s time to get up” mum said

“No” I said pulling the covers over my head

I reached over to my phone and looked at the time 5:30am once my eyes focused I saw that I was going to be late I needed to be out of the house by 6 to get there before everyone else. I jumped out of bed knocking a few things on the way and pushing mum out of my room and running into my showers washing my hair and washing my body.

After I had my shower I ran out into my walk in wardrobe and grabbing a pair of black ripped skinny jean, a black nirvana shirt, hoodie and my favorite boots I walked to the other side and grabbed my gear and ran back into the bathroom to brush my teeth and dry my hair, about 30 minutes later I was finally done and grabbed some food from the kitchen and met mum, Alex and Austin in the car I got in the front and pulled my phone out opening the twitter app and tweeting.

@DarcyMahone: Comp time

I put my phone away and just looked out the window I was super nervous to compete tonight. What seemed like forever we finally arrived at the destination and I jumped out and ran over to Brad who was standing there with my bike mum handed me my gear and I went to the change room to change in to my gear, while I was in the change room some girls came in and me being me deciding to listen in on their conversation.

“Do you know who Darcy Mahone is?” one girl said

“No” another said

“Well someone told me that she will be at the competition today” said the same girl

“And your point is?” the other one asked

“She has won every competition she has ever been in” she said

“And why is that a problem” that girl who sounds very confused asked  

“I heard that today there is $10,000 up for grabs and a trip to Australia and you get to hang out with One Direction and this Aussie band 5 Seconds of Summer and I want to win this” she said

They went to the other end of the change room and I quickly ran out and to where mum was now I am scared but I just have to get the thoughts out of my head. I did a quick warm up around the practice track and as I was going I around I could see the girl coming up behind me I pushed of the gas pedal hard so I took of I need to stay a way for her she could plan something bad to me.

Later that day

“Good morning everyone my name is Ash and I will be your commentator for today, this comp has the best prize up for $10,000, trip to Australia and for you to hand out with world’s biggest boy band One Direction and their support act 5 Seconds of Summer now first up is Chastity White”

I looked closer and saw that it is the same girl who is trying to beat me. A while later is was my turn and I have Brad wishing me luck and he knows that I can do it.

“GO” Ash yelled into the mic

I pushed my foot down and took of down the track going around every corner perfectly I was only a corner away until something came out in front of me and I had no time to react and just hit it in full force and flew right over the object and landed right next to the finish line, pain went right through my body and it feels like I have broken my leg because I am in so much pain. I could hear people running over and someone took me helmet of me and I looked and saw that is was Austin.

“You will be ok” he said

“Just breath” mum said

Before I knew I was on a stretcher getting lifted into the ambulance and heading to the hospital.

The Next day

I woke up the next day with a cast of my leg  and hooked up to wires then Ash came in with a look on his face.

“Hello Darcy I looked through the footage from yesterday’s comp and we see what happened and why you crashed Chastity White is involved with this case and she wanted to win the comp so she thought that she would try and make you not win so it was a risky thing to do she somehow got a long barrel an pushed it out in front of you that’s why you hit and went right over the top if you didn’t have the accident you would have won and you have she got disqualified from the comp so here is your prize” he said handing me my money and tickets to Australia.

“Thank you” I said

Later the afternoon I was finally allowed to leave and I am stuck in a wheelchair for a couple of weeks do you know who excited I am.

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