Stripper!Levi x Male!Reader part 2

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The second part of this story was requested by ACE_Kris. The first part can be found in the Various x Seme Male Reader vol. 1.


3rd POV

Y/n and Levi were going to the doctor to see how the baby was doing. S/n was at Y/n's parents' house. Levi was going to Hanji, his friend, she knew Levi's condition perfectly. Y/n smiled as he watched Levi getting ready.

-We can go now. – said Levi when he was done.

They got in the car and drove to the hospital. After the short ride Y/n parked the car and helped Levi out. They walked in the hospital and waited for Hanji to get them. They didn't wait long before she came to them.

-Hey boys, how are you two doing? – she asked grinning.

-We're fine, thanks. – said Y/n smiling back.

- Let's check up on the baby then.

They followed Hanji to the room. Levi laid down on the bed and pulled his shirt up to uncover his stomach. Hanji prepared the computer and started the examination. She turned the speakers on and they heard the sound of a beating heart.

-Strong and healthy. You're having a girl. Congratulations. – she said and gave them a photo of their daughter.

-Thanks Hanji.

Time skip

Y/n and Levi drove to pick S/n up from his grandparents. He was looking through the window when Y/n was parking the car. Levi smiled when he saw his son. Y/n got out of the car and helped Levi get out.

-I'm fat. – said Levi pouting. Y/n smiled and kissed his cheek.

-You're beautiful honey. – he said and playfully spanked Levi's ass. – And hot as fuck.

Their little conversation was interrupted by S/n running to them. Frist he hugged Levi carefully and then ran to Y/n who picked him up and kissed his cheek.

-How was it? – asked S/n.

-You will have a baby sister tiger. – said Y/n smiling.

-Yay! – cheered S/n. – I'll be the best big brother ever! – Y/n kissed his cheek again.

-I'm sure you will. – added Levi and kissed S/n's cheek as well.

Time skip

Levi woke up in the middle of the night with the feeling he already knew. He shook Y/n awake and gasped for an air when he felt the cramps coming.

-Y/n wake up, my water broke! – he said breathing heavily. Y/n jumped up as soon as he heard those words. He helped Levi get a bit dressed and drove him to the hospital. He made a call to his sister to come to their house and watch S/n for a while. He drove as fast as he could and once they got there Levi immediately was taken to have the C-section. Y/n sat in the waiting room patiently. He smiled when he remembered the night when S/n was born. Y/n was more panicked than now. He was so scared to hold S/n for the first time, he seemed so fragile in his arms.

After some time Hanji walked up to Y/n.

-How is it? – asked Y/n a bit sleepy. After all it was two in the morning.

-You can see them. – she said smiling. Y/n rubbed his eyes and let Hanji lead him to the room Levi was in. She opened the door and walked in. Levi was laying on the bed and the baby was laying in the crib next to Levi's bed.

-Hey honey. – smiled Levi. – She's right there. – Y/n walked up to him and kissed his forehead.

-You did wonderful job Levi. – said Y/n.- Thank you for giving me two great children. – he added and picked his newborn daughter up. – She's beautiful. What's her name?

-How about D/n?


Time skip

It was six months after D/n's birth. She was finally sleeping whole nights so the parents could get some rest and time for themselves. Levi planned something special for tonight. He wore some sexy clothes and wanted to have some frisky time with Y/n. He smirked looking at his reflection in the mirror. He was doing exercises to get back in shape after the pregnancy and he was pleased with the results.

-Levi come to sleep! – he heard Y/n's voice coming from their bedroom.

-Let's see if I still got it~ - said Levi quietly and walked out of the bathroom swaying his hips. Y/n's eyes went wide when he saw his outfit.

-Levi~ - purred Y/n.

-Enjoy the show, master Y/n. – said Levi and danced to the music he played on the stereo. Not too loud, after all he didn't want to wake up the kids.

Next morning Levi had problems with walking and sitting, but that sleepless night was definitely worth it.

Levi Ackerman x Seme!Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now