Chapter 49 - Mash-Off

Start from the beginning

That afternoon the New Directions challenged the Troubletones to a game of dodgeball thanks to Finn. "Seriously Finn? Dodgeball," I said raising an eyebrow. "Look I'm just tired of dealing with Santana tearing us down. It'd be nice to have a way to fight her off, you know?" Finn said. "You seriously think dodgeball is the answer?" I asked shaking my head. "Do you have a better idea?" Finn asked me. "Gee I don't know maybe working hard to beat her in the mash-off," I said annoyed. "Lighten up Quinn, I'm the champ at dodgeball, no one is going to beat the Puckasarus," Puck grinned. I rolled my eyes as I got into place for the dodgeball game.

Finn blew the whistle as we prepared to take on the Troubletones. "Let's roadhouse!" Finn exclaimed. "Oh, it's on, Pillsbury Dough Turd," Santana said sassily. "Excuse me. I've never heard of this game of dodging balls before. What's the rules?" Rory asked. "Don't die," Puck smirked as Rory looked worried. "Let's do this," Brittany grinned as we began our game of dodgeball.

I knew I wanted to fight hard for my team and win the dodgeball terminate. I decided to try to get out the easy targets first like Sugar Motta, the spoiled rich girl who wanted very little to do with dodgeball. I then went after many of the cheerios Santana had made join the Troubletones. Without her minions to do her dirty work Santana would be nothing without them. Brittany threw a ball at me which I caught. "Nice job," Rachel grinned. "Thanks," I smiled a bit as I continued to fight off the Troubletones. One by one our team was out starting with Rachel and ending with me. Finn ended up being the last for our team and Santana was the last for the Troubletones. She ended up hitting Finn in the face with a dodgeball securing the Troubletones win.

The Troubletones celebrated, ecstatic that they had won. "Okay. Good game," Finn smiled nodding politely as Santana cockily pointed at him indicating that she owned him. "Boy, oh, boy, that was a cracker!" Rory said as he walked over to Finn. "What?" Brittany asked confused as Santana took a ball from one of the others on her team and threw it at Rory. The other Troubletones seemed to follow her lead, laughing while doing so. "Stop it! Stop it! For God's sakes, he's bleeding!" Kurt exclaimed as he rushed to Rory's aid "Maybe that's how the others treat us around here, but we don't do this to each other! We're better than this!" "God, calm down, Grandma," Santana said rolling her eyes. "This game's over," Kurt exclaimed as he got Rory up to take him to the nurses' office. Santana rolled her eyes. "We still won," Sugar said as Mercedes looked guilty for what had happened.

I shook my head. "Now you see why I didn't want us to play dodgeball?" I asked Finn who looked like he felt guilty. "I didn't think anyone would be hurt," Finn frowned. "That doesn't help Rory any," I frowned as I walked off with Kurt to take Rory to the nurse's office. "Thanks," Rory said to me and Kurt as we got him to the nurse's office. "Of course," I smiled. "Oh my word. What happened to you?" the nurse asked worriedly. "A game of dodgeball gone wrong," Kurt frowned a bit. "Kids can be so vicious," the nurse said shaking her head. "Thank you kids for bringing him here. I'll take it from here," the nurse said as Kurt and I left the office.

The next day was the day of the mash-off. "Hi. Welcome, everyone, to day one of the first annual McKinley High Mash-Off!" Mr. Schue said as we all cheered. "Okay, a couple of ground rules. Everyone, there will be no heckling of any kind, okay?" Mr. Schue said as we nodded. "All right, here we go. Finn will represent the New Directions; Santana, the Trouble Tones for the rock-paper-scissor face-off to see who will perform first, all right? Let's get it going!" Mr. Schue grinned. "Let's do this," Finn said. "One, two, three!" we all chanted as Finn did paper and Santana did rock. The New Directions celebrated. "Okay, paper covers rock. New Directions, take the stage," Mr. Schue exclaimed as Rachel ran over to kiss Finn as we then got ready to perform our mashup of 'You Make My Dream Come True' and 'I Can't Go For That'.

Finn started us off on the song as I soon joined in on the chorus singing from 'I Can't Go For That'. "Well well you..." Finn sang with the New Directions guys. "I can't go for that," I sang with Rachel and Tina. "You make my dreams come true," Finn sang with the New Directions guys. "I can't go for that, I can't go for that," I sang on lead with Rachel and Tina backing me up. "Well well well you," Finn sang with the New Directions guys. "I can't go for that," I sang with Rachel and Tina on background. "Oh yeah, you make," Finn sang. "My dreams come true," we all sang. "I can't go for that," I sang with everyone backing me up. "Yeah, yeah" Rory sang. "I can't go for that," I sang with everyone backing me up as Rory and Tina took over on the lead as yet again we sang the chorus. I prepared for my next part with Finn. "I'm down on my daydream but that sleepwalk should be over by now. I know! Yeah you!" Finn and I harmonized. "I'll," I sang as Tina and Rachel harmonized with me. "I'll do anything," the New Directions guys sang. "That you want me to," I sang with Tina and Rachel harmonizing. "I-I-I'll," everyone else but me sang. "Do almost anything," I sang. Finn then took the lead as my part started up again. "I'll," I sang as Tina and Rachel harmonized with me. "I'll do anything," the New Directions guys sang. "That you want me to," I sang with Tina and Rachel harmonizing. "I-I-I'll," everyone else but me sang. "Do almost anything," I sang. "You make my dreams come true, oh!" Finn sang. "I can't go for that," I sang. "You're making my dreams come true," Finn sang as we ended the song in a pose as everyone clapped for us.

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