Chapter 10 - Thanksgiving with the Hudsons

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Thanksgiving used to be one of my favorite holidays. My mother always made some of the most amazing meals from appetizers to desserts. It was also one of the days a year when I would see my older sister, Frannie. She lived a few towns over so it was always great to see her during the holidays. Things just seemed to get better when she was in town.

I usually confided in her whenever I wasn't sure about something. I had been afraid to call her for the past few months just because mom and dad probably told her all about what a disappointment I had become. I wondered if she would even want to speak to me after everything I had done to shame the family. Frannie wasn't nearly as judgemental as my parents were. Even when I had gained weight she always told me that no matter what I looked like I was beautiful to her. A far cry from my mom scolding me about eating too many sweets or my dad making jokes at my expense. Frannie was the one person I could always seem to count on in my family.

I stared at my phone contemplating whether or not I should call her. Would she even answer, even if she did, what would I say to her? I was so scared of losing her too. At this point she was the only family I had. It was then I decided that I should call her, at least to wish her a happy Thanksgiving on Thursday.

My thoughts were interrupted as Finn entered the room. "Hey," he smiled. "Hi," I said as I faced him. "My mom wanted me to tell you we're going to be heading out to my Aunt Ella's house in Toledo tomorrow," Finn said. "Well you guys enjoy," I said shrugging it off as Finn shook his head. "Quinn, we want you to come with us," Finn smiled. I was shocked at how generous Carole was for inviting me to her sister's house. "Are you sure? I don't want to crash your family gathering," I said awkwardly as Finn shook his head. "You won't be, trust me. You're family now Quinn," Finn smiled.

I couldn't help but feel so touched. I didn't know what I did to deserve Finn or his mom for that matter. They had both been so amazing to me since I had moved into their home. I couldn't help but feel somewhat guilty. After all the baby wasn't even Finn's and they had done so much for me from taking me in to inviting me to their family gatherings.

"Okay," I said as Finn grinned at me "I'll come."

"Great!" Finn beamed "My mom's going to be thrilled."

I sighed a bit "I don't really have anything to wear though....I mean since my baby bump is showing now," I frowned a bit.

"Don't worry about that," Finn said matter of factly "My mom said she would take you shopping for a dress."

I was so speechless yet again by Carole's generosity. It was evident that the Hudson's didn't have a lot of money to go around, not like my family who didn't think anything of spending money on expensive clothes, accessories, and furniture. "I don't know if I can accept that," I said quietly looking down. It felt like too much for me. "My mom wants to do it, Quinn," Finn smiled at me "Besides, the baby is her grandchild. She just wants to help you out any way she can."

I sighed. There it was again, the fact that I had lied about Finn being the father was costing someone money would shouldn't have to try to support me. I knew it would seem fishy if I turned her down so I replied with the only thing I knew how to. "Okay," I smiled as Finn hugged me. "My mom's off today so she's ready to go whenever you are," Finn said. "Thanks," I smiled a bit as I got ready to go dress shopping, hoping to find some nice maternity clothes that would last me.

Carole and I got to the Lima Mall and quickly headed into the Macy's to go to the Maternity Section. I picked out a simple black lace dress figuring it would look the best for the holidays. "Quinn, you look so beautiful. That dress fits you like a glove," Carole smiled at me. "You really think so?" I smiled. "Yes I do," Carole smiled. I began to take out the money I got from babysitting Kendra's kids to try to pay for the dress. "Don't worry about paying for the dress. I've got it covered," Carole assured me. "Mrs. Hudson I don't know..." I began feeling guilty. Carole had been so generous to me letting me stay at her home. I figured the least I could do was pay for my own dress. "It's alright. I don't want you to worry about anything okay?" Carole said to me as I couldn't help but feel grateful for her at that very moment.

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