Chapter 70 - ....Pregnant?

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Author's Note: Hey guys this chapter skips forward quite a bit. We are actually at the end of Season 4/Right before Season 5 starts just to give you an idea of the timeline of where we are at in this Glee universe. This is one of the storylines I've been planning for a long time I hope you enjoy :) 

After my adventure in Lima with Santana it was time for me to head back to New Haven. I was glad to have the distraction of school to keep me busy for the next few weeks. Puck and I hadn't spoken since the wedding which I thought was a good thing. The less he knew about what was going on with me the better right now.

As promised I had started my job at the local newspaper where one of my first jobs was to interview the MacIntosh family. They were a very successful family in the area and their eldest son, Nathaniel had gotten engaged and would be marrying a girl of status. She had graduated from Harvard and the family was pleased. I was supposed to interview the family about the wedding. It was the biggest news in New Haven and I was lucky enough to be doing the interviewing.

I knocked on the door "You must be the journalist," Mrs. McIntosh said answering the door. "Yes ma'am. I'm Quinn Fabray with the New Haven Register," I smiled a bit. "Well it's lovely to meet you Quinn. You should know that we requested you because of all the achievements you had. You were salutatorian in high school and made the Dean's list in your first semester at Yale with one of the highest averages the school has reported," she said. " know so much about me," I said surprised. "Oh don't be too shocked dear. Us McIntoshes do our research," she said. I definitely was nervous hearing her say that. I knew if I made one false move my reputation around her would be shattered.

"Is this her?" another man asked. "Yes Arthur, this is Quinn Fabray. The one we requested," Mrs. McIntosh said. "How do you do Miss Fabray?" Mr. McIntosh asked me. I couldn't believe I was talking to the owner of McIntosh apples. "It's nice to meet you Mr. McIntosh," I smiled as I shook his hand. "Likewise. Well Miss Fabray, we didn't just ask you here for the interview," Mr. McIntosh said. "Oh?" I said confused. "There's a reason why we did research on you. Our youngest son, Biff is attending Yale and we want someone suitable for him to date," Mr. McIntosh said. "And you want him to date me?" I said. "Why yes. We only want the best for our Biff," Mrs. McIntosh said.

This was definitely a lot to take in. One of the top families wanted me to date their son because I was of quality. It felt like a dream I had never knew I had. Not only would this please my mom this could set me for life where I would never have to worry about money or anything. "I would love to date your son," I smiled a bit as the McIntoshes nodded approvingly at me. "Good. After you write this article we'll find a suitable place for your first date," Mrs. McIntosh said as I then began to work with them on the article.

After leaving the McIntoshes my phone went off. It was Rachel. I was perplexed by her calling me. Sure, we texted back and forth all the time but for her to be calling me, something had to be up. "Hello?" I answered as all I heard was muffled crying in the background. "Rachel? Are you there?" "Yes," I heard her sniffle. "Rachel, what's wrong?" I asked worriedly. "I messed up...I can't believe I messed up," Rachel cried. "Wait slow down what happened?" I asked her. "Finn and I slept together at the wedding," Rachel said "And it turns out I'm pregnant." "With Finn's baby?" I asked as Rachel sobbed. "What am I going to do?" she asked me in tears. "Rachel...I think the first thing you need to do is tell Finn," I told her seriously. "How can I?" she sobbed "I have a boyfriend." "How do you know it's not his?" I asked her. "I don't," Rachel said emotionally. I couldn't help but cringe. Rachel was going through so much. "Do you need me to come back to New York? I can go with you to your appointment," I offered. "I'd really appreciate that," Rachel sniffled. "Hang in there's going to be okay," I told her seriously. "I hope so," she sighed as we got off the phone.

Rachel had told me when her appointment was and luckily my classes were over with for the day by the time her appointment would be. I rode the train out to New York to go with her to her doctor's appointment. "Thank you for coming with me," Rachel sighed. "Of course," I smiled a bit as I put a supportive arm around Rachel. "Look Rachel, no matter what happens today I'm here for you." "Thanks Quinn," Rachel said as the doctor then called her in. "Rachel Berry?". We got up and headed inside to her appointment.

Rachel took a few tests which would be what would confirm if she was pregnant or not as well as how far along she was if she turned out to be pregnant. I could see the look of terror on her face. I knew what that was like. When I found out I was having Beth I was terrified. I knew she needed me now more than ever. " are in fact pregnant," the doctor said as Rachel teared up. I held her, letting her sob on me. "Do you know about how far along she is?" I asked. "I'd say no more than four weeks," the doctor said as Rachel sobbed even harder. "It's Finn's," she confirmed to me. "Thank you doctor," I said as the doctor nodded as she gave Rachel the usual talk about taking care of herself for the baby and prescribed her prenatal vitamins.

"How am I going to tell him?" Rachel asked me tearfully. "I know it's going to be hard Rachel but he deserves to know," I told her seriously. Rachel continued to sob. "This isn't the way it's supposed to be. I finally got my chance to be in Funny Girl and now this happens," Rachel said emotionally. "Rachel. I know it's going to be hard to take in but everything is going to be okay," I assured her. "How can you be so sure?" Rachel asked me emotionally. "Because I've been where you are," I told her seriously. Rachel sighed a bit. "Thanks Quinn. For being here for me," Rachel said. "You're welcome," I smiled a bit as we headed back to Rachel's apartment. Things were about to change for Rachel but not in the way she expected them to.

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