Chapter 33 - Christmas Gift

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Author's Note : Hey everyone this chapter will be much shorter than the usual chapters but I think it definitely was a good way to talk about Christmas at the Fabray's and have a little perspective about why Quinn was at Mr. Schue's apartment for Christmas.

After the amazing way Friday ended for our Christmas break I could hardly wait to get home for my own Christmas traditions with my mom. From baking homemade pies to wrapping presents with my mom I knew this Christmas was going to be special. "I'm home," I called out to my mom who rushed towards me. "Oh Quinnie it's good to have you home," my mom grinned hugging me tightly. "It's good to be off from school," I smiled a bit as my mom let go. "Do you need help with the baking?" I asked as my mom nodded. "Frannie and Christian should be coming in for Christmas. Isn't that wonderful?" my mom chripped. I nodded. This year was going to be so different from last year. I had felt so alone on Christmas, even though Puck had tried to make me feel at home I wasn't quite in the Christmas spirit, not like before.

"Quinnie, you're singing at the Christmas mass, yes?" my mom asked interrupting my thoughts. "Yes mom. I'll be performing the songs," I smiled a bit. "Good. Oh everyone's going to be so thrilled to see you back up on the stage again," my mom beamed as I couldn't help but chuckle. Sure, I had performed at every Christmas mass since I was young but it was always so my parents could show off how perfect their daughters were and how we could do anything. This time was different. I was performing by my own choice, besides that I had been in the church choir this year. It had been helpful to me to have a day where I could focus on my relationship with God and give thanks through song.

After we performed the religious songs in Glee Club it had really inspired me to share my gift and what better place to do that then to do it in the house of God? I did get a few stares because of what I had been through last year. There were always snide comments about how they thought my parents disowned me or how I should be ashamed of myself for getting pregnant in the first place last year.

The one good thing I had found was that Sam and his family attended the same church. It was another way Sam and I were able to bond in a way I hadn't before with any of my other boyfriends. Sam was serious about his religion which was important to me. He joined the choir shortly after I did so we did get to spend most of the masses together performing the songs. My mother couldn't have been more approving of our relationship. "Finally a boy with good values," she nodded satisfactorily. "Mom..." I began. "Oh Quinnie you know what I mean. Finn wasn't as serious about his religion and I didn't know your other boyfriend that well but the way the town talks about that Puckerman kid," my mom scoffed "How he got you pregnant I'll never know."

I just stayed quiet. I didn't want to have to explain to my mom anything about that night between me and Puck. Sam had been such a gentleman every time he came over. Sure, there was that brief period where he wanted something more to happen between us but he respected my wishes to wait which meant a lot to me. After everything I had gone through last year it felt nice just to have something stable in my life.

My thoughts couldn't help but go back to Beth. It was going to be her first Christmas. I wondered if Miss Corcoran was doing anything special for her. I wondered what she looked like, if she was getting everything she wanted for Christmas. I wished somehow I could talk to her but I knew very little about her location other than that Miss Corcoran had moved to New York with Beth. 'Just look her up,' I told myself as I opened up the white pages website and typed 'Shelby Corcoran'. I had to know where she was. I knew my only chance to see Beth would be if we made Nationals which were to be held in New York City. 'Please be in New York City, please be in New York City,' I thought to myself as I got a hit.

Shelby Corcoran

435 W 31st St.

New York, NY 10001

I wrote down the address glad to at least have something. There was no phone number so I couldn't call but I did have the address. I knew I shouldn't do it but I decided to make a Christmas card for Beth. Sure, she couldn't read yet but someday I wanted her to be able to have it, something to remember me by. I decided not put my name on it, only on the envelope I sent it in. I first wrote a note for Shelby.

Miss Corcoran,

I know we had a closed adoption but I wanted to wish you and Beth a Merry Christmas. Please don't throw this card away. I just wanted to make something special for Beth. I can't stop thinking about her. I know she's yours but I just want to know how she's doing. I know it's not my responsibility anymore but when you carry a child for nine months you feel connected to them. I know you can relate to me since you had to give up Rachel. If my Glee Club makes it to Nationals I will be in New York. I want to be able to see my daughter then but I figured I should ask you first. It would mean a lot to me to be able to see her, to hold her, even if it's just for one time. Please consider this offer and get back to me.



I teared up as I finished writing that letter. If Shelby told me no I didn't know how I could recover. 'It's going to work out,' I told myself as I placed the letter in the envelope. I then drew Beth a picture of a tree with a bunch of presents as well as a Santa Claus that said "Merry Christmas Beth". I folded up my drawing placing it inside the envelope as I went to mail it hoping sending it was not all for nothing.

Frannie and Christian arrived on Christmas Eve and my mom could not be more ecstatic. "Oh it's so good to see you both," my mom beamed. "You too Mom," Frannie smiled as she then went over to hug me. "Hey Quinnie it's good to see you," Frannie grinned. "You too," I smiled back. "Dinner is almost ready! Sit, sit. Tell me how you've been," my mom chripped as she began to put out the food. We started to eat but something felt different about this meal. The way Frannie and Christian kept looking at each other like they had some sort of secret made me uneasy.

"We have an announcement to make," Christian finally said as Frannie beamed. "Mom, Quinn. I'm pregnant," Frannie said. "Oh my God my first grandchild," my mom said enthusiastically. Just then my entire face fell. Frannie was pregnant. I knew I should be happy for her but after the year I went through and having to give up Beth at the end of it all I couldn't just fake a smile and be happy. There was mostly hugs all around, everyone besides me. "Excuse me," I said quickly as I got up trying to keep the tears from escaping my eyes.

"QUINN!" I could hear them calling as I drove off in my car not knowing exactly where I wanted to go all I knew was I had to get out of there.

I finally let myself cry as I pulled over on the side of the road. This could not be happening. Sure, I was happy for Frannie and her husband but having to deal with all the cheerfulness that followed her pregnancy compared to mine was not something I wanted to do. Just then my phone went off. It was a message from Rachel. "The Glee Club is heading to Mr. Schue's house to spend the holidays with him. We would like whoever can make it to come," Mr. Schue's. That seemed like a good option about now. Spending time with Glee Club was exactly what I needed to get my mind off of things at him. I replied simply with "Count me in," I drove to Mr. Schue's glad to at least be spending Christmas with my family, The Glee Club.

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