Chapter 9 - I'm Keeping My Baby?

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The next week I had felt very overwhelmed. Since moving into Finn's things hadn't quite settled down as much as I thought they would. Sure, Finn and his mom have been great, supportive even but dealing with Terri and her even more terrifying, loud sister, Kendra had made me feel completely under siege. Unlike most of the New Directions I didn't have the luxury of being able to be distracted. Between wanting to get good grades and ensure my baby would be okay it sometimes became too much.

That afternoon I stayed behind at school, much like I had done the last few days to be picked up by Kendra so her, Terri, and I could discuss how the baby was doing. "You don't drink diet soda, do you? Because the phosphoric acid causes male pattern baldness," Terri asked me nervously, clearly concerned about the baby. "The baby's a girl," I corrected her. "Women go bald, too," Terri said obviously stressed. "You worry too much, Terri. Mom smoked and drank a bottle of riuniti on ice every night when she was pregnant with us and we're totally normal," Kendra said rolling her eyes. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself, normal wouldn't exactly be the way I would describe Terri or Kendra. Terri at least just seemed more nervous and concerned about the baby. "Just take your vitamins, stay out of the hot tub, and avoid rum-based drinks, and you'll be fine," Kendra shrugged as I nodded. "Noted," I said.

"So how did your last appointment go?" Terri asked nervously. "Fine. The doctor says she's in great shape. I've been eating right, getting lots of sleep, and I've been making sure to take my vitamins every day," I smiled a bit as Terri seemed relieved. "Good, good," Terri sighed "So you're due in April right?" Terri asked nervously as I nodded. Sectionals was supposed to happen by the end of March so it would give me a few weeks to rest and recover before finals. "April huh? Terri told Will she was due around spring break," Kendra said. "Maybe you can have the doctor say you're having the baby late," I offered. Terri seemed to consider that option. "No, no, no that won't do. He'll suspect something Terri," Kendra said shaking her head. "There's nothing I can do about it," I said honestly. "Kendra, she's right," Terri agreed. "Fine. But don't come crying to me when he wonders why you come back with no baby," Kendra scoffed as they then drove me back to the Hudson household.

I was never so relieved in my life to get back to Finn's. Kendra gave me her number before I left. "Call me in case of an emergency," she said as I nodded, planning pretty much to never call her as I got out of the car.

The next Glee Club rehearsal we arrived to the auditorium where Mr. Schue had invited the Jane Addams Academy to perform in our auditorium. "Okay, guys, so first of all I want to welcome Ms. Hitchens and the Jane Addams glee club. We're all very happy to have you guys here. So, um, we're going to let you guys start us off. Let's see what you got," Mr. Schue smiled as he took a seat with us in the auditorium. "Hit it," Ms. Hitchens said as the Jane Addams Academy girls performed 'Bootylicious' by Destiny's Child. The lewd choreography those girls displayed reminded me so much of when the New Directions did 'Push It' at the assembly. Sure, the girls had talent but them just flaunting themselves around, to me was unnecessary.

Finn began clapping for them after they were done but I quickly grabbed his hands annoyed. Him and probably all the other guys were probably more interested in the girls than the actual performance and that was frustrating to me. Mr. Schue also seemed pretty concerned after their performance.

The next day at school he handed out the sheet music for our new song that we would be performing. "All right, guys. I did some thinking last night. I think I found our new number for Sectionals. We're going to do the title song from "Hair". Now, this show started a revolution," Mr. Schue smiled. "Wait, did they have mohawks back then? Like in the 20's or whatever?" Puck asked. "Yeah, Mr. Schue, if we're going to do a song about hair, shouldn't we have more hair?" Finn asked as I couldn't help but giggle a bit. "One step ahead of you. Here are your wigs," Mr. Schue grinned as he threw a bag with wigs in it to Finn. I couldn't help but shake my head. Those wigs were ridiculous. If the wigs were any indication of how the performance would go down, I was pretty sure it would end in disaster.

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