Chapter 72 - What Becomes of the Broken Hearted

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After the loss of Finn everyone moved on differently. Puck joined the Airforce, Rachel continued pursuing her lead in Funny Girl, even though her pregnancy was sure to put an end to that career once she started showing, things for me however were more of the same. I continued my semester at Yale finishing my Freshman year at the top of my class. I was proud of everything I had accomplished that year including snagging Biff McIntoshes' heart. If things were to go right between us I could be set for the rest of my life.

I headed out to New York as the semester ended to check up on Rachel. I'd been coming up to New York every few weeks. I knew how hard the pregnancy was on me when I felt like I had no one around so I wanted to be a support system for Rachel. "Thanks for coming Quinn," Rachel sighed as I arrived. "I didn't want you to have to go through this alone," I told her seriously. "I agree," Kurt said as he grabbed his things to head out with us to Rachel's appointment. "We're finding out if it's a boy or a girl," Rachel smiled a bit. "I remember when I found that out about's one of the most exciting appointments," I smiled a bit as Rachel nodded.

"When I was back in Lima I actually talked to Burt and Carole...they're willing to raise the baby as their own," Rachel said. "Rachel...that's amazing," I smiled a bit. "Yeah," Rachel sighed. "You don't seem happy about it," I told her seriously. "I just don't want the baby to know that I had to give it up. I know how much it hurt me when I learned the truth about my mom," Rachel sighed. "Rachel...your baby will be raised by its grandparents. You'll always be able to have a part in their life even if you're not raising them. It's the best case scenario you could ask for," I told her seriously. Rachel nodded "You're right...thanks," "You're welcome," I smiled a bit as we were finally called in for Rachel's appointment.

"Alright Miss you want to know the gender of your baby?" the doctor asked. "Yes," Rachel said as Kurt and I each held one of her hands. "You're having a baby girl, congratulations," the doctor said. "A girl..." Rachel said getting emotional as she looked up at the sonogram. "Rachel...that's amazing," I smiled a bit. Rachel nodded tearful. "I hope she's just like Finn," Rachel said. "I hope so too," I said as I helped Rachel up. "Wow I've always wanted a little sister," Kurt smiled a bit as Rachel chuckled through her tears. "I'm happy for you Rachel," Kurt told her seriously as he hugged her. "Thank you...thank you both for being here," Rachel said to me and Kurt. "You're welcome," I smiled as Kurt and I walked out of the office with her and back to her apartment.

"Did they ever find an understudy for you?" I asked Rachel. "Oh they did," Rachel sighed. "Is she that bad?" I asked confused. "Let's just say she's a little too close to home," Kurt said as they entered their apartment which Santana was practicing the lines for Fanny Brice. "'re Rachel's understudy?" I asked. "And damn proud of it," Santana smirked a bit "While Katie Morosky over here is off having her child a la The Way We Were. I'll be taking over her role on Broadway as Fanny Brice." "I can't believe you..." I said shaking my head. "What? Going after an understudy role in a Broadway play? Please you would've killed for the part Fabray," Santana snarked. "Maybe so but I wouldn't have done it to take away from Rachel. You were always jealous of her Santana. You have been from the day I met you," I shot back at Santana. "And you Quinn have an ever expanding lady boner for Berry which is clouding your judgement," Santana shot back at me.

I was about to tell Santana off when Kurt's phone vibrated. "Guys..." Kurt began say. "Now what? Your band booked a huge gig playing a show at the Union Square subway station?" Santana snarked. "Why do you want to know? So you can steal his dream too?" Rachel shot at Santana who shrugged. "It's Glee Club. They've been disbanded. They didn't win at nationals. They're turning the choir room into a computer lab. And Sue isn't backing down this time. It's over," Kurt frowned as we all looked stunned. Glee Club was over? Glee Club was what had brought us all together. Without Glee Club I don't know how I would've gotten through being pregnant in school. "It can't be over," I said emotionally. "It is...I heard it from Blaine," Kurt sighed. Rachel's phone then went off. "It's Mr. Schue...he wants everyone to come back for a special week of lessons before the Glee Club is officially over," Rachel said. "Tell him we'll all be there," Santana said as I nodded.

I knew I had to head back Lima one last time to be with the Glee Club. I could only hope that I would see Puck again. I was constantly worried about him since he joined the Air Force. I headed back to New Haven to pack up for my trip back home. "What's with all this packing?" Biff asked me. "It's silly," I said trying not to make it seem like as big of a deal as it was to me. "You can tell me," Biff said. "I'm heading back home for the week. This club I was a part of is shutting down and I wanted to be there to see all my friends," I said. "That's not silly at all...where did you say you were from again?" he asked. "Ohio," I said before quickly adding "You wouldn't want to come it'll be such a boring trip." "I want to see your humble beginnings Quinn. I want to come with you for this trip to Ohio," Biff said seriously to me.

I couldn't help but be nervous. There was a lot about my life back in Lima that I hadn't told Biff. I was trying to portray myself in a certain light so I might be set for the rest of my life. "If you're sure," I said unsure. "Of course I am," Biff smiled taking my hand. "I'll go pack my bags. We'll fly out together," he told me seriously as he kissed me on the cheek. This trip back home just got so much more interesting than I ever thought it would.

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