Chapter 24 - Summer Break

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Shortly after Glee Club was announced back on for next year we were studying for finals and sophomore year drew to a close. I was relieved to have some time off. I knew I had a lot of work to do. Especially since I was having trouble getting over giving Beth away. My mom had set me up to talk to someone about what I was going through. I was nervous at first. I had only gone to Miss Pillsbury before this. She had agreed to keep my treatment confidential besides from my mom who already knew about it. My mom had also called my sister, Frannie asking her to come visit me, hoping it would lift my spirits.

"Hey baby sister," Frannie smiled one morning as I came down the stairs. "Frannie?" I beamed as I hugged her "I missed you. How are you?" "I'm doing good," she smiled as she sat me down. "Mom told me you've been having a rough time since..." Frannie began. I sighed "I guess I just feel guilty," I frowned. "Quinnie, you did what you could. You carried that baby full-term and made sure she went to a good home. There is nothing to feel guilty about. If anything I'm proud of you," Frannie told me seriously. I nodded, knowing Frannie was right "Thanks," I said. "Of course. I'm here for you. You know that," she told me as I nodded.

"Quinnie, don't forget you have your first appointment this afternoon," my mom reminded me. "Thanks," I said as I got myself ready. I arrived at the office which was a small building, it was fairly empty besides me and one other person. I stayed quiet as I looked through a magazine I had brought with me to pass the time. "Quinn Fabray?" the doctor called as I got up. "I'm Doctor Blackwell," she introduced herself. "Nice to meet you," I said as we shook hands. "I just want to get started to let you know what I'm about," Doctor Blackwell told me as I nodded "Everything you say here will be confidential unless you are threatening to hurt yourself or someone else." I had figured that was the way it was going to go. The same could be said for what Miss Pillsbury had told me. "Now from what your Doctor tells me you've been struggling with a bit of postpartum depression since giving away your daughter?" Doctor Blackwell asked as I nodded.

"During the pregnancy I had a lot of changes in my life. I was kicked off the cheerleading squad which had been most of my life, I lost my boyfriend because he had found out I cheated on him," I sighed as she took notes nodding along to what I was saying. "I was kicked out of my house by my father which resulted in me moving quite a few times," I said as she seemed intrigued by that. "Really? I see you're now living with your mom," she said. I nodded "That's been a more recent change. My mom is getting a divorce from my dad. She found out he cheated on her and she felt awful about what happened with me," I told Doctor Blackwell. "I'm glad your relationship with your mother is steady once again," she told me. "Me too," I agreed. "You also said you lost another club you were a part of, Glee Club?" she asked. "Originally Glee Club was cancelled. It hurt a lot for me because everyone who was in that club had been so supportive of me throughout my pregnancy," I said as Doctor Blackwell nodded understandingly. "Luckily before the school year ended the Glee Club was no longer cut and we now have another year," I smiled a bit. "Good...I'm glad you're not losing Glee Club. It seemed to help you," Doctor Blackwell said. "It really did. I don't know where I would've been without my friends from the club," I admitted.

"You also mentioned you were having a tough time facing the father of your baby, why do you think that is?" Doctor Blackwell asked. "Everytime I see him all I can think of is baby," I whispered solemnly "I almost feel like I let him down, you know?" "It's common for mothers, especially teen mothers who had to put their baby up for adoption to feel this way Quinn, Trust me when I tell you that you're not alone in this," Doctor Blackwell said. I nodded. I had a feeling I wasn't the only person who felt like this.

"Have you thought about what it might be like once summer is over and you have to return back to school?" she asked as I sighed. "Yes.." I frowned. "That seemed to have a very negative reaction," she observed. "No one really knows how much I've been struggling these past few months," I admitted. "Do you think maybe you should tell some of your friends? The ones who were there for you?" Doctor Blackwell asked. I shrugged "Maybe...I just don't know how." She nodded "Well Quinn, I think you're on the right track. I think the best thing you can do is to go out and try to go back to your normal life. Call up some friends, even if it's just to hang out. I think that would be the best cure for you to start feeling more like yourself again," Doctor Blackwell said as I nodded. I could see exactly where she was coming from. "Thank you Doctor," I smiled as she walked me out to set up my next appointment.

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