Chapter 71 - Spring Heartbreak

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Author's Note: Hey everyone. This is my chapter which is 'The Quarterback' episode. This episode has been incredibly hard to write due to the nature of what the chapter is about, losing Finn. The episode was always one my favorite episodes of Glee. In this version I brought Quinn back for the tribute. I gave her the Carrie Underwood cover of 'I'll Stand By You' for her song that she is performing. I know Mercedes in the episode version did 'I'll Stand By You' but I found it a more fitting song for Quinn. I gave Mercedes 'One Sweet Day' by Mariah Carey instead. I hope you guys like this chapter. Be prepared with a tissue box because I needed one writing it. Link to Carrie's cover:

Losing someone is always hard. Especially when it's someone you're close to. That was exactly how I felt the day I found out about Finn's accident.

I was on Spring Break much like any other college student when I got the phone call from Puck. "Hello?" I answered. "I didn't know who else to call," I heard Puck say emotionally. "Puck? What's wrong?" I asked worriedly. "It's Finn....he got into an accident," Puck said upset. "What kind of an accident?" I asked worriedly. "He was driving home from the party we went to when he was hit by a drunk driver," Puck said. "Is he okay?" I asked worriedly. "No...Quinn..he's dead," Puck said as I couldn't help but scream. My whole world changed with those words. Finn's death was something none of us saw coming.

"No...he can't be," I sobbed into the phone. "I wish I was lying about this but I'm not," Puck said emotionally. I continued to cry. "Rachel....she's pregnant," I managed to get out. "What?" Puck said shocked. "She was going to tell Finn but..." I said crying as I cut myself off. "Holy crap..." Puck said shaking his head. "This is going to be the hardest on her," I said tearfully. "No kidding..." Puck agreed. "Are you back in Lima?" I asked Puck. "Yes...I've actually been going to school here with Finn..." Puck said. "I'm coming out there," I told him seriously. "Good...I need to see you Quinn," Puck said emotionally. "I need to see you too," I said tearfully. I was heading back to Lima. I needed to be with my friends as we went through the pain of losing one of our own together.

I arrived back in Lima as quickly as I could get a flight home. Arriving back in Lima was such a weird feeling, knowing that when I got there I wouldn't see Finn again. Puck met me at the airport. I rushed over to him as I got off the plane hugging him tightly. Puck had lost his best friend. I knew this had to have been incredibly hard on him. I wanted to be there for him more than anything else. "I'm glad you're here," Puck whispered to me. "I wouldn't miss it for anything," I told him seriously as we walked off together to go back to McKinley High School where Mr. Schue was going to have a special memorial week for Finn in Glee Club.

The week started off with everyone who could make it back home performing the song from Rent, 'Seasons of Love'. "Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes, how do you measure, measure a year? In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee? In inches, in miles in laughter, in strife? In five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. How do you measure a year in the life?" we all sang. "How about," Kurt and Santana sang. "Love?" we all sang. "How about," Puck sang. "Love?" we all sang. "How about," Kurt and Santana sang. "Love?" we all sang. "Measure in," Kurt sang. "Love," we all sang. "Seasons of," we all sang. "Love," us girls sang. "Love," the boys sang. "Seasons of," we all sang. "Love," us girls sang. "Love," the boys sang. "Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. Five hundred twenty-five thousand journeys to plan," I sang. "Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. How do you measure the life of a woman or a man?" Mercedes sang. "In truths that she learned," Santana sang. "Or in times that he cried," Kurt sang. "In bridges he burned," Puck sang. "Or the way that she died," Tina sang. "It's time now to sing out though the story never ends. Let's celebrate, remember a year in the life of friends," we all sang as Tina hit her note. "Remember the love," we all sang. "Oh, you've got to, you've got to remember the love," Mercedes sang. "Remember the love," we all sang. "You know that love is a gift from above," Mercedes sang. "Remember the love," we all sang. "Share love, give love, spread love," Mercedes sang. "Measure in love," we all sang. "Measure, measure your life in love," Mercedes sang. "Seasons of," we all sang. "Love," us girls sang. "Love," the boys sang. "Seasons of," we all sang. "Love," us girls sang. "Love," the boys sang as the song ended.

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