Chapter 73 - Where I Belong

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Biff and I traveled to Lima together from New Haven. My mom was thrilled to meet us at the airport. "You must be Biff. It's so nice to meet you," my mom grinned. "You too Mrs. Fabray," Biff smiled as he shook my mom's hand. "Quinn has told me so much about you," she smiled as she helped us into her car. "I would hope so. I mean our relationship is very serious," Biff said "I just wanted to come here with Quinn to get to know the real Quinn Fabray." "Well you've come to the right place," my mom smiled as we traveled to our hotel. "I'm going to head to my high school. You can relax here for awhile until I get back," I smiled a bit. "Of course," Biff said as I kissed him quickly before heading back to McKinley High School.

Walking into McKinley I couldn't help but reminisce about my years here. How I was the captain of the cheerios then I joined Glee Club which was the place where I was accepted for being exactly who I was. No one in Glee Club judged me for the fact that I was pregnant. Even when it came out that Puck was the father of my baby people were still cool with me. Glee Club was always the one place where I didn't feel judged. I was saddened that others would not have the chance to come to the choir room and discover who they truly were.

"Quinn Fabray!" Brittany exclaimed as she hugged me tightly. "Oh my Gosh Britt! I haven't seen you in so long. How is MIT?" I asked her smiling a bit. "Kind of stressful," Brittany said. "I can believe that," I smiled a bit. Puck seemed to notice I was there but didn't want to say anything to me. I was glad to see him there, alive and well. I sat next to Sam. "Why aren't you with Brittany?" I asked him. "You didn't hear? We broke up," Sam said. "I didn't. Sam, I'm so sorry," I frowned a bit. "Don't be. We just weren't right for each other," Sam shrugged as Mr. Schue then entered the choir room.

Mr. Schue wrote '100' on the board. "100 lessons," he began saying. "Hey, could I get Finn's plaque when we clear this place out?" Puck asked Mr. Schue. "The plaque stays here. Lillian and Finn belong here at McKinley," Mr. Schue said as he then turned to all of us "It means so much to me that so many of you came back on such short notice to celebrate the past few years to sit in this room one last time and sing. Your assignment is to sing one of the songs we sang in here but reinvented in some way. Way back in the old days when I started the Glee Club I would give an assignment, and then I would- I would give a little demonstration of what I was looking for." We all clapped when Mr. Schue said that especially the new Glee kids. "See, you all cheer now, but just wait till he starts rapping," Santana said. "Okay, no hip-hop today, Santana," Mr. Schue laughed "However, I have asked a very special person to come join me. It seemed appropriate since her contributions helped save the Glee Club or, at least, the auditorium way back when. Please welcome, all the way from Broadway - Miss April Rhodes." April then entered the room "Hey, y'all!" she grinned.

It was nice to have April come back for one last time. She decided to sing for us 'Raise Your Glass' which the New Directions never did. It was actually performed by the Warblers which Blaine pointed out. April just shrugged it off as she began to perform with us backing her up. "So raise your glass if you are wrong in all the right ways, all my underdogs. We will never be, never be anything but loud and nitty gritty dirty little freaks. Won't you come on and come on and raise your glass. Just come on and come on and raise your glass," we sang as we danced around the piano with our champagne glasses. We then fell down on the floor as April and Will sang the bridge. "So raise your glass if you are wrong in all the right ways, all my underdogs," I sang as I walked around pushing Artie in his wheelchair. I then walked up with Brittany and Santana and did our choreography that we had practiced "We will never be, never be anything but loud and nitty gritty dirty little freaks. Won't you come on and come on and raise your glass. Just come on and come on and raise your glass," we all sang as the song ended and we cheered as we then left the classroom.

I began walking down the hall where I ran into Puck. "Hey, Puck," I grinned as I walked up to him. "Hey. So, uh, have you noticed how hot I look in my uniform?" Puck smirked. "It does look a little bit itchy," I joked. "Are you serious?" Puck asked me. "I'm just kidding," I giggled "You look really handsome. It's not just the uniform either. You've got this newfound confidence about you." "So, um, do you know what song you're gonna sing for the Glee Club?" I then asked him. "I'm not sure," Puck said as he began talking to me where I was interrupted by Biff grabbing me in my tickle spot.

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