Chapter 82 - The End?

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Author's Note: Hey everyone this is our final chapter of Quinn Fabray's story! I apologize that it is a somber one but it is helping set up what happens in the future in the sequel fic, 'Glee: The Next Generation'. I hope you all enjoy this final chapter and please read the sequel! Thank you all for your amazing support! Love you all.

 You would think the final chapter to someone's story would end on a happy note. Unfortunately, that is not the way my story ends. I did graduate from Yale at the top of my class as I had always planned to. I had 5 incredible years together with Puck. We were a very happy couple even when we had the dedication of the Finn Hudson Auditorium we were still together when everyone performed together one last time as McKinley High School became McKinley Fine Arts High School. Performing 'I Lived' with everyone felt like the start of something great. Boy could I have not been more wrong.

Puck was yet again called off for duty. This time he was supposed to be serving in the war. I couldn't help but be fearful for him. "Don't worry about me babe. You know me. There's nothing I can't handle," he told me seriously "I'll be back before you know it." He kissed me. Lexi folded her arms frowning as well. "Daddy why do you have to leave," she pouted. "Because that's what Daddy does for work. I promise when I get back we'll have a long family vacation okay?" Puck assured Lexi. "Okay," Lexi sighed as she hugged him tightly not wanting to let go. He was then called aboard his plane. He waved goodbye to us to what we didn't know would be the last time we saw him.

We were awoken by a knock at the door one morning. "Hello?" I answered the door to my home in New Haven. "Mrs. Puckerman?" they asked. "Yes?" I said as I noticed there were military men at my door. This wasn't a good sign. "We've come to inform you we've found your husband...he was missing for a few weeks," they began saying. "Where is he?" I asked worriedly looking around for him. "Mrs. Puckerman...we found his body...he was killed during the war," the soldier said as I began to sob. This couldn't be happening could it. He was coming home like he had promised. "We are so sorry for you loss," they said as they handed me a folded up flag as they then left. Losing Puck was not something I had envisioned in my future but this was my reality now. I knew I wanted to have his funeral back in Lima. It was where he grew up, where we made all of our friends, where we fell in love.

Boarding that flight back to Lima had to be one of the most solemn things I had to do. Lexi seemed to just be staring out her window on the plane. She hadn't spoken much to me since we had gotten the news just muffled yeses and nos were all I got from her these days. When the plane landed I couldn't help but feel like I was home again. I could just feel a comfort come over me knowing everything was going to be alright, all my friends were going to be there to help me through this loss.

I couldn't help envisioning a tribute week for Puck much like we had done for Finn when he had died. I knew I wanted to sing a certain song as a duet with Rachel. We had both loss the loves of our lives at such young ages, I knew she could really relate to what I was going through. I couldn't help but picture us singing the hit Carrie Underwood song 'Just a Dream'.

"It was two weeks after the day she turned eighteen. All dressed in white, going to the church that night," I sang. "She had his box of letters in the passenger seat. Sixpence in her shoe," Rachel sang. "Something borrowed, something blue," I sang. "And when the church doors opened up wide. She put her veil down trying to hide the tears," Rachel sang. "Oh she just couldn't believe it," I sang. "She heard the trumpets from the military band and the flowers fell out of her hands," Rachel sang. "Baby, why'd you leave me, why'd you have to go? I was counting on forever, now I'll never know. I can't even breathe," Rachel and I harmonized. "It's like I'm," Rachel sang. "Looking from a distance, standing in the background. Everybody's saying, he's not coming home now, this can't be happening to me," Rachel and I harmonized. "This is just a dream," I sang as I made my way into Puck's funeral. "The preacher man said let us bow our heads and pray. Lord please lift his soul and heal this hurt," I sang as Rachel then sat by me. "Then the congregation all stood up and sang the saddest song that she ever heard," Rachel and I harmonized. "Then they handed her," Rachel sang. "A folded up flag," Rachel and I harmonized. "And she held on," Rachel sang. "To all she had left of him," Rachel and I harmonized. "Oh, and what could've been," Rachel sang. "And then guns rang one last shot," Rachel and I sang. "And it felt like," I sang. "A bullet in her heart. Baby, why'd you leave me, why'd you have to go? I was counting on forever, now I'll never know. I can't even breathe," Rachel and I harmonized. "It's like I'm," Rachel sang. "Looking from a distance, Standing in the background. Everybody's saying, he's not coming home now, this can't be happening to me. This is just a dream," Rachel and I sang. "Ohh Baby, why'd you leave me, why'd you have to go. I was counting on forever, now I'll never know," I sang. "Oh I'll never know. It's like I'm," Rachel sang. "Looking from a distance, standing in the background. Everybody's saying, he's not coming home now, this can't be happening to me. This is just a dream," Rachel and I harmonized. "Oh, this is just a dream," Rachel sang. "Just a dream, yeah, yeah," I sang tearfully as I said goodbye to Puck once and for all as the song ended.

Everyone had come home for this somber occasion. We had all grown in Glee Club knowing Puck. "Thanks for coming," I said emotionally as Rachel hugged me. "Of course. We want to be here for you Quinn," Rachel told me seriously. "We know this hasn't been easy for you....we came as soon as we got the call," Santana said as Brittany nodded. "Well I appreciate it," I said seriously. "Do you know what you're going to do now?" Sam asked me "I mean your mom said you were considering moving back here." "I am..." I said as Lexi made a face. "But our home is in New Haven," she argued. "Lex, I think we need to be near family at this time. Grandma said we could stay with her until things settle down," I said. "Are they ever going to?" Lexi snapped back at me. "Okay Lexi, I know you're hurting but your mom is too. You need to cool it with the attitude," Santana told Lexi. "You're not the boss of me," Lexi said narrowing her eyes. "Lex...she was only trying to help," I sighed. "There's nothing you can do to help me....any of you," Lexi snapped as she ran off. "Lexi!" I called after her.

"We'll go after her," Santana told me as she, Sam, Rachel, Kurt, Blaine, Mercedes, Mike, Tina, Brittany, and Jake devised a plan to look all over for Lexi. Marley sat with me. "Quinn, I'm so sorry," she told me hugging me. "Thanks," I said emotionally. "Look I know we didn't get to know each other much before this but I want to be a friend to you. We're family now that I married Jake," Marley told me seriously. I nodded appreciative of Marley. "Thanks," I said as I lay my head on her shoulder. "Do you think she'll be okay?" I sighed looking in the direction Lexi ran. "It's got to be hard on her losing her dad like that but we'll try to make sure she's okay," Marley said to me. I knew I just had to have faith that everything would work out okay the real problem was I just didn't know how.

"Special delivery," Jake joked as he walked back with Lexi and gave her to me. I couldn't help but embrace her in a hug. "Lexi don't run off like that I was so worried about you," I frowned. "I know...I'm sorry," Lexi sighed as she slouched onto the ground. "It's okay. I know losing your dad hurts. Trust me it's going to be a hard thing for all of us to get through," I told her seriously. "I know," she sighed "I don't want to lose my house too." "Baby girl we're not losing our house...we're just moving in with Grandma. Don't you like being near Uncle Jake and Aunt Marley?" I asked her. "Yes," Lexi nodded. "I know it's going to take some getting used to but we're going to get through this...together," I told Lexi who hugged me. "I love you mom," she told me. "I love you too," I smiled.

Things were hard at first. Moving from New Haven to Lima wasn't exactly an easy trip but we were lucky enough that my mom had the room for us at her place. I knew eventually I wanted to get Lexi and I our own place but for now this was the start for us. I could only hope this small change to our lives would make all the difference as the years went by and Lexi grew up.

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