Chapter 1 - The Night Quinn Felt Fat

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My life seemed like a picture perfect fairytale on the outside, I was the proud Christian daughter of Russell & Judy Fabray, I was president of the celibacy club, I was dating the quarterback of the football team, Finn Hudson, and captain of the renowned McKinley High Cheerios. The thing about fairytales is they're just a fantasy, something you read in a storybook as a child, they're not reality.

My world was about to be turned upside down all by one decision I made the night I felt fat. It all started during the Cheerios weekly weigh in. Coach Sylvester expected perfection from us Cheerios especially going into this year which would be her seventh consecutive Nationals win.

"Fabray, you're up," Coach Sylvester's voice rang as I walked up onto the scale. 'Please be skinny enough. Please be skinny enough,' a voice in my head rang.

"Congratulations kid, you gained 2 pounds this week," Coach Sylvester snipped.

"But that's impossible," I objected.

"No it's not. Q, I need my cheer captain to be in tip top shape with nationals coming up. If you don't get yourself into shape, I might need a new captain," Coach Sylvester said as I looked on horrified.

Cheerios meant so much to me and I wasn't going to let anything get in the way of that. So I made the decision that today I wasn't going to eat.

Trust me, I know how bad that sounds. I made a lot of poor choices back then. I just wanted to do whatever it took to keep my spot as cheer captain even if it meant doing myself a lot of harm.

As usual the cheerios practiced on the sidelines of the football field as the football players were in practice with Coach Tanaka.

"There's my beautiful girlfriend," Finn smiled as he came over and kissed me quickly during one of the few breaks we both had. "You've been doing great out there today," I smiled. "Thanks. So have you," Finn smiled back.

"So listen, I was hoping you could come over tonight," I asked in a hopeful tone. "I'd love to but I've got plans with the guys and a few of the cheerios. You should come. I'll be fun," Finn beamed. "Okay," I smiled a bit. "Cool. Pick you up at 6?" Finn asked as I nodded.

Coach Tanaka then blew the whistle "HUDSON LET'S GO!" he called. "See you later Quinn," Finn smiled as he rushed back to practice, helmet in hand. I watched him run back wondering how I got so lucky to be dating such a sweet guy.

That night my parents were headed out for their annual dinner at the church. As top parishioners of the Lima Church of Christ, it was an annual event the church held to thank those who made it possible for the Church to thrive.

"You're sure you'll be okay alone Quinnie?" my mom asked. "Definitely," I smiled. "Now no monkey business while we're gone. Your bedroom is off limits," my dad said sternly.

"Daddy, you've got nothing to worry about," I said shaking my head. Finn wasn't coming over and besides that he had always respected my wishes to wait, even though lately I'd been wondering why we had to. I loved him and he loved me, God would forgive me for my sin right?

"That's my girl," my dad smiled as he kissed my forehead "We'll be back around 9." "I'll be sure to be back from my dinner then," I smiled as I hugged my parents goodbye as they took off for their dinner.

Shortly after they left, Finn arrived. "Hey," I smiled a bit. "Hey," Finn smiled back "You ready to go?" I nodded as I locked the door behind me. Finn wrapped his arm around me as we headed to the Lima Bean, a popular hangout for the football players and Cheerios.

"So Fabray, is it true?" Annie, one of the cheerios asked in a gossipy tone.

"Is what true, Annie?" I asked.

Quinn Fabray: My StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant