Chapter 78 - The Next Nine Months

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 Author's Note: Holy Crap this chapter marks the end of Season 5 which means I only have left to draw from the Season 6 storylines. Thank you all for going on this amazing journey with me. I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Puck and I soon packed our things up from Lima and moved out to New Haven. It took a lot of getting used to, especially for Puck who hadn't been to New Haven before but we were happy together.

"We're going to find out if we're having a little dude or a girl this time huh?" Puck grinned at me. I nodded. "I can't believe it's almost been 4 months," I said in awe. "Yeah time flies when you're happy together," Puck grinned. "I'm just nervous about balancing school once it starts up again," I sighed. "Babe, you were able to go through high school being pregnant. College is going to be a breeze for you," Puck told me sincerely. I couldn't help but smile at him as we sat in the waiting room. "Quinn Puckerman?" the nurse called as Puck and I got up to go to go back to the appointment.

I got up on the table as Puck held my hand. "So I read on your file this is going to be your second pregnancy?" the technician said. "Yes...I had my first child when I was 16," I admitted. "Did you have any complications during the pregnancy?" the technician asked. "No...not at all," I said. "Good," the technician said marking it down. "Alright let's take a look," the technician said as she put the jelly on me and put my baby up on the sonogram. "Your baby looks very healthy," the technician assured me as I smiled back at Puck. We then heard its heart beat. "The heart beat is exactly where it's supposed to be...did you want to find out the gender of you baby?" the technician asked. "Yes," Puck and I said together. "Well congratulations, you're having a baby girl," the technician said as I got emotional. "Wow...another," Puck grinned as he squeezed my hand.

"Alright. You are all finished," the technician said as I sat up. "You can come right out to make your next appointment which should be in 4 weeks," the technician said as I nodded as Puck helped me up. I made my appointment as Puck and I grew closer, knowing we were going to have another baby girl, this time we were going to be the ones responsible to take care of her.

"I can't believe we're having another baby girl," Puck said shaking his head amazed. "I know what you mean," I smiled a bit "Have you found any names you liked?" I asked him. "Jackie Daniels," Puck joked as I raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm kidding babe," he laughed as he kissed me on the cheek "In all seriousness I kind of like Alexis or Lexi for short," Puck said. "Lexi...I like it," I smiled a bit "You always had a knack for picking names Puckerman." "Hey it's what I do," he smiled a bit as we headed back to our home to prepare for Lexi's arrival doing things like painting her room, setting her crib up, and so on.

I completed my third semester at Yale with ease. I knew going into my fourth semester was going to be extremely hard. Especially due to the fact that for the first few weeks of the semester I was going to be very pregnant and then after that I would have a newborn baby girl to take care of.

During my third semester I had gotten news that Rachel had her baby. Puck and I decided to come up to Lima to see how Rachel was doing. "Holy crap. Don't tell me you got her pregnant already Puckerman," Santana said as we entered the hospital. Puck and I both laughed. "It's good to see you too Santana," Puck said. I looked in the window. "Which one's Rachel's?" I asked as Santana pointed her out. "Wow...she looks like Finn," I said emotionally as Puck wrapped his arm around me. "She really does," he agreed. "How's Rachel taking it?" I asked seriously. "Who knows. I just got here," Santana shrugged. Kurt and Blaine then walked over to us as we hugged them.

"I take it you've seen Christine," Kurt smiled down at the baby girl. "Is that her name?" I asked as Kurt nodded. "It's pretty," I smiled. "We didn't know you guys were coming," Blaine smiled a bit. "We wanted to be here for Rachel," I said honestly. "I'm sure she'll appreciate it," Kurt said as Blaine nodded. They then told me and Puck her room number and we were off to see Rachel.

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