Chapter 65 - All That Jazz

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Auditions for the musical were this week and I had been practicing hard on my audition song which was 'You Must Love Me' from Evita. "Quinn Fabray," the theatre teacher called as I walked out. "Hello I'm Quinn Fabray and I will be singing 'You Must Love Me' from the Broadway musical Evita," I smiled a bit as I began to sing the familiar words.

"Where do we go from here? This isn't where we intended to be. We had it all, you believed in me, I believed in you. Certainties disappear, what do we do for our dream to survive? How do we keep, all our passions alive as we used to do? Deep in my heart, I'm concealing things that I'm longing to say. Scared to confess, what I'm feeling. Frightened you'll slip away. You must love me, you must love me. You must love me. Why are you at my side? How can I be, any use to you now? Give me a chance, and I'll let you see how nothing has changed. Deep in my heart, I'm concealing things that I'm longing to say. Scared to confess, what I'm feeling. Frightened you'll slip away. You must love me, you must love me. You must love me," I sang as the song ended.

The theatre teacher seemed to be making notes. "Thank you Miss Fabray. The callback list will be up tomorrow. We'll let you know what we've decided," the theatre teacher said as I smiled a bit. I had a good feeling of how my audition went. I decided to go with a Broadway song after talking it over with Rachel about my audition.

"You're auditioning for your school play?" Rachel asked me. "Yes. We're doing Chicago," I smiled a bit. "You would make such a good Velma," Rachel grinned as she spoke to me on the phone. "Thanks. Anyway I figured if anyone would help me with my audition it would be you," I smiled a bit. "I'm glad you called me Quinn. My advice to you is the best way to wow the judges is to sing a Broadway classic. I think I have just the song for you," Rachel smiled.

My phone went off. It was Rachel.
Rachel: How did the audition go?
Me: I think it went well. Thanks for your advice on the song. 'You Must Love Me' was right in my wheelhouse.

Rachel: Anytime. I'll try to use my Metro North Pass to see you in the play :)

Me: Thanks Rachel. I appreciate it :)

Rachel: Of course.

Rachel: You've got this Quinn!!!

I couldn't help but smile at her messages. I couldn't believe after everything I had put Rachel through during high school she was still so willing to be my friend. "Did you get a message from the cute guy Amber says you're dating," Katie giggled seeing my face. I shook my head. "No. Just a friend who wished me luck on getting the part," I smiled a bit. "That's sweet," Katie smiled. "Katie Davis," the theatre teacher called. "That's my que. I'll talk to you later Quinn," Katie giggled as she rushed back into the auditorium for her audition.

The next day before I entered theatre class I checked the board to see if I had gotten a callback. I scrolled down the list to see for the role I had gone for. I noticed Katie was called back for Roxie which I was excited about.

Callbacks for the role of Velma Kelly: Quinn Fabray, Wendy Lee, and Serena Blake

Congratulations to everyone who made it for the callback. For your second test we will have you running lines with someone in each role. Be prepared for anything this afternoon

I got a callback! I couldn't help but be overjoyed by this news especially since there was good chance Katie and I would be running lines together.

That afternoon all of us who were called back for the roles met before hand. "Now the scene we are going to do we already decided on a Mama Morton so we will be doing ACT I, SCENE 4, got it?" the director said as we nodded. "We will be grouping Velma's and Roxies together. So when you hear your name you're paired up. Wendy and Rachel. Serena and Emma. And finally Quinn and Katie," the director said as Katie headed over to me. "This is totally awesome! We get to audition together," Katie beamed. "Definitely," I smiled as we began rehearsing the scene over and over again until it was our turn to audition.

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