Chapter 42 - Rumor Mill

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Rumors. It's a part of high school we're all too familiar with. Being one of the most popular girls in school didn't immune you to them. People were always talking about you, popular or not. The school newspaper had decided to take a turn for publishing rumors about everyone involved in the school. My eyes grew wide when I saw the headline about me "What Blonde Former Cheerio was spotted at a Motel with another Blonde hottie" I knew this had to be about me and Sam. Over the last few weeks I had been helping him out most of the time by babysitting his siblings whenever he wasn't home.

"Thanks again for all your help," Sam smiled as I nodded. "Of course Sam. I want to be here for you," I smiled a bit as we hugged. "I've got to go deliver some pizzas," Sam said as I nodded as he went off. I enjoyed spending my time at the Evans' but with this rumor afloat things could take a turn for the worst. I didn't want to announce what was going on with Sam to everyone. It wasn't my place to do so.

"What the hell is this?" Puck demanded as he shoved a Muckraker in my face "Are you cheating on me?" "What? No! Why would I cheat on you," I frowned shaking my head. "Hmm I don't know because you cheated on your boyfriends with me twice," Puck shot at me. "Lay off her. She did nothing wrong," Sam said defending me. "Of course you'd think so. When you get with her it's not a problem," Puck snapped. "You were the one who took my girlfriend from me remember? It's not the other way around," Sam said annoyed. Santana then came storming in as she yelled at Brittany.

"This is your fault! You told everyone that I played for "another team" on your ridiculous melted cheese show," Santana snapped. "Wait. Are you mad? You do play for another team. You were on the Cheerios, and now you're only in the New Directions," Brittany shrugged. "And you couldn't have thought of any other way to say that?" Santana shot back. "I'm gonna punch your face off!" Puck snapped at Sam. "You got a lot of nerve accusing me of cheating," Sam snapped. "Stop it. Stop it!" Mr. Schue said getting in between them as they finally stopped. Puck then stormed out of the choir room "Puck, where are you going? We got rehearsal!" Mr. Schue called after him "Not today," Puck snapped as he walked down the hallway.

"Can anyone tell me what is going on?" Mr. Schue asked. "Mr. Schue our school's newspaper has decided to publish a blind items collum and it has some accusations against some of us in Glee Club," Rachel said explaining things. "The only reason mine is in there is because of what Brittany said on her stupid webshow," Santana said folding her arms. "Look Mr. Schue I know you're going to try to help us but this is high school kids start rumors and soon it spreads all over the school and people think it's true," I sighed. "Guys, you can't let gossip tear this club apart. Now let's forget about all this drama and get on with rehearsals," Mr. Schue said as we began practicing songs to prepare for Nationals.

The next day, Glee Club had a special visitor. April Rhodes had come back into town and she was supposed to be helping us out with our new assignment. They were singing a duet of 'Dreams' by Fleetwood Mac. The song was one of my favorite Fleetwood Mac's. We all cheered for them after they finished the song. Mr. Schue then wrote 'Rumours' on the board. "Rumours. A classic record by Fleetwood Mac. One of the greatest albums of all time written as the band was breaking apart to keep it together. Now, this week we are done with the backstabbing and the gossip and we're channeling all that energy into working together. So, pick a song from the album put your own spin on it. Simple as that," Mr. Schue said as we all nodded.

I thought picking the album 'Rumours' was such a fitting choice for this week. With everything going around the school we needed something to keep us together even when the rumors should be tearing us apart.

That week the news broke that Artie and Brittany had broken up. Artie wouldn't say too much about what had happened between them but all we could tell was that he was incredibly hurt by whatever happened between him and Brittany. Apparently he had called Brittany 'stupid' which didn't go over well with Brittany considering almost everyone in the school had called her 'stupid' at one time or another. Brittany was crying about it to Santana which was how I found out about it. Santana almost seemed to be overjoyed that they broke up but was sad to see Brittany hurting. Something was definitely going on there even though I couldn't exactly figure out what yet.

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