Chapter 6 - Popularity Falls

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 After Jacob Ben Israel's blog went up everyone looked at me differently. The whispers, the pointing, the stares all just became part of my everyday life. One thing I had lucked out on was the fact that Coach Sylvester had let me stay on the cheerios. I thought for sure I was getting kicked off the second she found out but she had been a lot more understanding than I had thought which surprised me.

Luckily my parents had suspected nothing. I tried to keep everything under wraps from them. If I thought what Coach Sylvester would do was bad it would be nothing compared to what my parents would do.

They were very religious, devoted members to our church. I was as well but they were not the kind of people to accept anything outside of what was expected of good Christian people. Teen pregnancy wasn't exactly the good and wholesome image they wanted me to have. I worried endlessly about them finding out.

What would they do? Would they try to force me to get an abortion? I shuttered at that thought. I strongly believed abortion was wrong. Still, they were always concerned with their image. It scared me to think they would want me to abort this baby girl who hasn't had a chance to live her life yet. Would they send me away? As I had mentioned before image was important to my parents. We had family outside of Ohio, they might send me to live with my aunt and uncle until I had the baby. I didn't want to abandon school, my friends, or even the Glee Club which I had grown to love. Any of these things could happen, which was why I kept my pregnancy a secret as much as I could from them.

Finn and I were walking through the halls much like any other day when it happened. Karofsky threw a slushie in Finn's face. Finn slammed Karofsky into a corner. "What the hell Karofsky?" Finn snapped. "Oh, I've wanted to do that ever since fifth grade when you made fun of me for getting pubes. Now that you've joined Lullaby Lee's," Karofsky began as I walked over upset "and insperminated the queen of the Chastity Ball," he smirked right at me as Finn shoved him "and dropped below us hockey dudes on the food chain? - It's open season," Karofsky said smugly. "Screw you Karofsky," I snapped at him "You and your Neanderthal puck-heads are nothing!" I gritted through my teeth. Finn grabbed him by the shirt "You're gonna pay for this dude," he gritted. "No, I'm not," Karofsky smirked smugly as he looked at Finn and I "You two don't have the juice anymore. Welcome to the new world order." And with that Karofsky was off smirking at us as we looked at him in disbelief.

It couldn't be true could it? That Finn and I were losing our popularity due to the fact that the school believed he got me pregnant. It had to be something else. Anything else. In my pregnant mind I of course blamed the one thing that had started us on the path to being uncool, Glee Club.

As much as I had grown to love Glee Club being popular was so important to me. After all my own mom put down being popular as an extracurricular activity and she got into Arizona State. My entire life I had wanted to make something of myself, get out of Lima but things didn't seem to be looking to be going that way. Especially with the pregnancy I had a lot more stress in my life. From worrying about when I wouldn't be able to a cheerio anymore to my parents finding out to wanting to continue to be an honor roll student I couldn't help but worry would this pregnancy cost me everything?

Finn and I arrived at Glee Club rehearsal. I had a towel in my cheerios bag which I had been using to try and get the slushie out of Finn's eye. "This is a disaster. Our reputation as McKinley High's 'it' couple is in serious jeopardy if we don't find some way to be cool again, Finn," I whispered in a hushed tone as I cleaned Finn off. "I know...look I'll try to figure something out okay?" Finn said kindly. "We better," I gritted again as Mr. Schuester walked in.

"Okay guys. We're a little behind for sectionals thanks to our Sue Sylvester detour, but you guys seem to really enjoy doing mash-ups right? And I'm gonna keep you guys fired up. Plus, there's an important lesson to be learned with mash-ups. Sometimes things are so different, they don't feel like they go together. But the big difference between them is what makes them great... like chocolate and bacon", Mr. Schue said. "Or Glee Club and football," Finn said as I couldn't help but laugh to myself. Glee Club and football weren't going together at all. The condition Finn was in was enough to prove that. "Exactly. But you've proven that it is a great combination," Mr. Schue said as I continued to clean off Finn. If only Mr. Schue knew how much this wasn't going together.

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