Chapter 32 - A Win and A Loss

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Author's Note: I sincerley apologize for the delay in updates my depression and anxiety got the better of me these past few weeks. It's sad because this is one of my favorite episodes was the Glee Christmas special. I was hoping to get this chapter done before Christmas I think the fact that I didn't spiraled me into a frenzy and it made me upset. I apologize to my loyal readers who have continued to follow the story. I'm excited to start writing the second half of Season 2 after this chapter. I hope that I will not have as long of a delay as this chapter was. I'm also very excited to continue writing about Christmas after this chapter to talk about Quinn's first Christmas back home with her mom :)

After our performance at sectionals it was up to the judges whether or not we were going to advance. My heart was beating fast in anticipation. If we had lost this time around it could be on my shoulders and that was a lot of responsibility to handle. I held onto Sam's hand nervously as Pete Sznowski from the Ohio Department of Motor Vehicles came out to announce the winner. "Thank you, and thank you to all the groups who performed here today, we all had a serious, good time. You know what else, is a serious good time? Taking two minutes to save a life by filling out an organ donor card, because it's never too late, to donate. Drumroll please. In third place, the Hipsters," Pete said as I sighed of relief we didn't get third so this was a good sign.

The leader of the Hipsters came up to accept their award "Thank you, drive carefully," Pete said as the Hipsters walked offstage. "And now, the winner of this year's west central Sectionals is..." Pete said as he opened the envelope. I could feel my heart drop. If we didn't advance this was it for Glee Club. There would be no turning back, no second chances. I closed my eyes hoping to hear 'New Directions'. "It's a tie," Pete said much to my surprise. What did this mean? "Congratulations! You're all going to the Regionals!" Pete said as we all clapped. Once again we would be competing against Kurt and the Warblers at Regionals. I was relieved. We had done it. We made it to Regionals once again. I smiled at Kurt who smiled back looking excited that we had all made it to Regionals. Regionals was going to be a tough road for all of us but we were ready for it.

Getting back to school after our advancement at sectionals wasn't as smooth as we thought it would be. Sure, we had advanced but there was a lot of drama within the group. It turns out Miss Pillsbury got married to Doctor Howell over the weekend which was shocking to all of us. We couldn't help but feel sorry for Mr. Schue. On top of that Rachel and Finn had broken up, which surprised me.

"Quinn...can we talk," Rachel frowned as she approached me. "Sure," I said as I walked with Rachel. "You know how I told you things between Finn and I might be okay," she frowned. " guys seemed to be okay on the ride back from Sectionals," I smiled a bit for her. "Yeah..." Rachel sighed. "What happened?" I asked as Rachel frowned. "While Finn and I were fighting I kind of invited Puck over to my house and ..." Rachel began. " didn't," I frowned. "No...nothing happened. We just made out and Puck didn't want to do anything since he had hurt Finn so bad the last time with you," Rachel said. I shook my head "How did Finn find out?" I asked. "I told we're over," Rachel said. "Rachel you shouldn't have done that," I said upset. "I was just trying to make him feel as bad as he made me feel by getting with Santana," Rachel defended herself. "When Finn and Santana had sex you two weren't together. What you did was when you guys were together. I did it to him too. He didn't deserve that and you know it," I told Rachel seriously. "I know," Rachel sighed "I just thought you'd understand." I laughed a bit "What I understand is you did it for selfish reasons. Sure, Puck and I had sex when Finn and I were together but it was because he was there for me," I said. "Quinn..." Rachel began. "Goodbye Rachel," I said as I walked off back to the choir room trying to hold myself together.

It was times like these when my depression would seep back through. I hated what I did to Finn, I truly did. If I could've taken it back I would have. The girl who I was last year only cared about being on top in the school, no matter who I hurt in the process. Being in Glee Club had taught me how wrong I was for being that way. Sure, I was still determined to be on top but I became more sensitive to how my actions could hurt others. After having to give away my baby I realized how much your actions could lead to a consequence. It was then I decided that if we made Nationals I was going to see my baby whether Miss Corcoran liked it or not.

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