Chapter 64 - You've Got Yale

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 The 10 hour drive to New Haven had me looking forward to my future while saying goodbye to my past. As I pulled up into the parking lot of Yale University, I knew this was exactly where I was meant to be.

I saw the desk that said 'Student Orientation' which I walked up to. "Name?" the girl at the desk asked. "Quinn Fabray," I said as the girl searched her list. "Okay Miss Fabray, here is your schedule," she said handing me my schedule "On here it has what dorm you're in. You were grouped with your roommates depending on your major. Here's a map of our campus to show you exactly where you will be staying," she said handing me a map. "Thank you," I said taking it from her. "Good luck," she told me as I headed off to my dorm.

"205," I read finding the number of my dorm. I opened the door to find my dorm empty. "Well this won't be too hard to set up," I smiled a bit as I put my stuff down and began to get my side of the room ready. Once I finished getting my bed ready I wondered what my roommates would be like. I knew they were all in the same major I was, journalism but I couldn't help but wonder if we would have anything in common at all besides that.

With the first day of school vastly approaching I wasn't surprised to see as we got closer to the date that more and more freshmen were beginning to move in. Much to my surprise, my roommate was one of the last people to move in. "You must be Quinn," a girl with auburn smiled greeting me. "I am," I smiled a bit. "I'm Amber. It's nice to finally meet you," she said. "You too Amber," I said politely. "So where are you from?" she asked. "Ohio," I shrugged. "Ohio. Hmmm that's something," she said. "Why's that?" I asked. "I'm from Michigan," she chuckled a bit. "Oh wow. I'm from Lima, Ohio. It's only about 2 hours from Detroit," I smiled a bit. "No kidding," Amber said as we soon bonded over almost everything.

It turned out Amber was also taking some theatre classes besides wanting to be a journalism major like I was. She had been a part of her school's theatre program as well as the school newspaper. I told her about me being the head cheerleader and being in Glee Club. "Well talk about a world of difference," Amber chuckled a bit. "I loved to sing so I enjoyed being in Glee Club. I also was athletic so being a cheerleader helped me keep myself in shape," I said honestly.

"Can I be honest with you?" Amber asked as I nodded "You're a lot different than what I was expecting my roommate to be." "What were you expecting?" I chuckled. "I don't know. When I think of being at Yale I just think of you know people who are just so...proper," Amber said. "I know what you mean...looking around the school I had wondered what you were going to be like. I'm just glad I got a really cool roommate," I smiled a bit. "Likewise," Amber agreed as we hugged.

So far my experiences at Yale were so much more than I could've expected them to be. I could only hope once I started my classes the experiences would continue to be pleasant.

The first week of school was nerve wracking for me as most first weeks are. The classes I was taking I was completely looking forward to taking from theatre, english, history, as well as journalism. Each class I went to every experience felt more pleasant than the last. My last class of the day was theatre. It was revealed to us that the play we would be doing for the winter musical was 'Chicago'. Chicago had been one of my favorite plays. I knew I wanted to either try out for the role of Roxy or for the role of Velma. After having a lead role in the Rocky Horror Picture show my confidence was high that I could get one of the leads. Even if I didn't get a leading role I was used to being in the background. I had a lot of experience dancing and singing so I hoped that would help me land a leading role.

After my second week Puck and I finally had a chance to talk again. "It's about time you returned my calls Fabray," Puck joked. "Sorry. I've been so busy with my classes at Yale. How's LA?" I asked smiling a bit. Puck shrugged "It's alright. I mean I get a lot of business for my pool cleaning service but it's different than I expected you know," Puck said as I nodded. "So how's Yale?" he asked. "It's good. I mean I've been enjoying my classes. I'm going to be trying out for the school play," I smiled a bit. "I'm sure you'll kill your audition. You always do," Puck smiled a bit.

Puck had moved slightly and it was then I noticed the background, he was in his old room. Was he not in LA at all? Was he back in Lima? "Are you back in Lima?" I asked in a shocked tone. "You caught me," Puck said as he took a deep breath "Mr. Schue called. It turns out I have a half brother." "Wait what?" I said shocked. "Yeah my dad had some kid with a waitress. I vaguely remember hearing about it when my parents would fight. Mr. Schue thought maybe I could talk some sense into him," Puck said. "Talk some sense into him?" I asked confused. Puck chuckled a bit "It turns out the kid takes after me. Trying to prove himself as a badass. He refused to join Glee Club. Mr. Schue thought maybe hearing from me how much Glee Club changed things for me he might join," Puck said. "Wow...that's some pretty big news," I said. "Definitely," Puck agreed.

"How are you feeling? You know about finding out you had a brother you didn't know about?" I asked him. "I'm not that surprised honestly. My dad was always chasing every girl in town only to leave them high and dry when he thought he found something better," Puck said as I shook my head. "That's why I was so committed to helping you with Beth. I didn't want to be like him," Puck sighed. "You're not like him. I can promise you that. You tried to be there for me through everything, when I pregnant with Beth, my accident, even when I went a little crazy and dyed my hair pink, you were the one who straightened me out," I told him seriously. "Hearing you say that just reminds me of why I love you Quinn," Puck said as I smiled a bit. "I love you too," I said seriously to him as we shared a moment.

"Hey Quinn, do you know where my...." Amber began to ask before noticing I was Skyping Puck. "Oh geez sorry to interrupt," she said apologetically. "No it's fine," I assured her. "I'd better let you go. I have to get to McKinley anyway to talk to my brother," Puck said. "Okay talk to you later," I smiled a bit as I blew him a kiss as he hung up.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Amber asked as I nodded. "Yeah I've been missing him. It was good to talk to him for awhile," I said as Amber nodded. "Definitely," she agreed as she grabbed her lipstick and began to put it on. "Listen I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me and some of my friends. We were going to Kroon Hall," Amber said. I nodded a bit "Sure. I'll come," I smiled as I got ready to go out for the night with Amber.

"Amber's here," one of the girls grinned. "It's about time Rey," a boy joked. "Oh hush Josh. I want to introduce you guys to my roommate, this is Quinn. Quinn, this is Josh, Jessica, Katie, Cody, and Paul," Amber smiled introducing me to all of her friends. "It's nice to meet you guys," I smiled pleasantly. "You too," Jessica smiled a bit. "So Quinn, what's your major?" Paul asked. "Journalism but with a Theatre minor," I said. "Oh my Gosh you're in the theatre program too? No way!" Katie grinned. "Katie's our resident actress," Amber laughed a bit. "That's really cool. Are you going to try out for the play?" I asked. "Oh definitely. I don't have much of a singing voice but that won't stop me from trying out," Katie giggled a bit.

I spent the rest of the night really getting to know Amber's friends finding out the majority of us had a lot in common. Jessica was also a cheerleader at her old high school. Paul was a musician who was studying in the music program at Yale. Cody was on the hockey team so he was the athlete of our group. Josh who was probably the least serious of the group actually turned out to be studying to be a doctor. Everyone was as dedicated to their studies as I was which was nice to have around especially since we were in such a competitive school. It felt nice to find a new group of friends to get along with for the next 4 years. My first semester really seemed to be going on the right track and I was looking forward to what lay ahead for me.

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