Chapter 25 - Back to Normal?

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I got myself ready for the first day of junior year wearing the white sundress I had picked out when I went shopping with Kurt, Mercedes, and Tina. I pinned part of my hair back hoping that when I entered to school things would feel normal once again. I met up with Brittany and Santana that morning. We headed for our lockers together. "Has something changed since the last time I saw you San?" I asked noticing that Santana looked different. "She got a boob job," Brittany beamed. "Britts! You weren't supposed to tell anyone," Santana frowned. "It's Quinn. She won't tell," Brittany pouted. "I promise you I won't...but why would you get a boob job?" I asked confused. Santana rolled her eyes "You wouldn't understand Fabray. Those of us who didn't just give birth want to make sure we get noticed," Santana snarked. I could feel my blood boiling as Jacob Ben Israel approached us to interview us for his blog.

"How has life changed since the birth of your bastard child?" Jacob asked me as I got my binder from my locker. "Well, I'm happy to be back, and I'm ready to start fresh. And... I'm a lot less hormonal, so...," I said as I grabbed the camera and turned it back to me since whoever was filming seemed interested in Santana's boob job. "So there's not really any crying." "How was your summer?" Jacob said flirtatiously to Santana. "My eyes are up here, JewFro. And it was uneventful," Santana said rolling her eyes. "People thought I went on vacation, but actually I spent the summer lost in the sewers," Brittany told Jacob as I gave her look. Why would you tell Jacob's blog that?

"Interesting just a few more questions," Jacob said to us. "What did you do with all that breast milk?" he asked me as I turned around. "Well the baby got adopted so I didn't have to do anything," I said, not wanting to really answer any more questions. "Now if you'll excuse me. I need to head to class," I said as I walked away, feeling upset. Having all those questions about my baby set me off slightly. No one really knew about how much I went through over the summer.

"Quinn...hey are you okay?" Mercedes asked as she saw me in our first class. I sighed. Mercedes had always been such a good friend to me. I knew keeping everything bottled up inside wasn't going to help me so I decided to tell her. "Can we talk somewhere else?" I asked as Mercedes nodded. We walked to a deserted classroom. "I know I didn't see you for much of the summer other than when we went shopping. Is everything okay?" she asked. "Mercedes...can you promise me that you won't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you," I sighed. "Is it that bad?" she asked confused. "Kind of," I frowned. "I promise," Mercedes said. "Since giving the baby up I've kind of had a hard time dealing with it. Most of the summer I wasn't myself so my mom took me to the doctor," I sighed "I've been seeing a therapist trying to help me overcome everything that happened last year. I'm finally starting to get back on my feet. Jacob Ben Israel's interview kind of set me off. He asked a lot of questions about...her," I frowned as Mercedes gave me a hug. "I had no idea you were going through this. I knew you seemed kind of distant after you had the baby," Mercedes said. "Please don't tell anyone," I sighed. "Your secret is safe with me," Mercedes smiled "Come on, let's get to class."

I felt relieved after telling Mercedes. She had been there for me throughout the pregnancy so telling her was the first thought I had in my mind. The first day of school was pretty much uneventful. We mostly got the paperwork for our parents to fill out and got a list of what we needed for the year. I handed my mom the paperwork as I got home then headed upstairs.

I decided to watch Jacob's interview with everyone in the Glee Club. Sure, it wasn't going to be easy but I knew I had to get myself to the point where things like this wouldn't bother me. I laughed a little bit watching Finn and Rachel's part. I was surprised that they had been dating all summer. Him being into Rachel made no sense to me especially with the way she was being completely controlling and acting like the rest of our opinions didn't matter. Jacob then interviewed Mr. Schue talking about how our songs sounded like they came from a drag queen's playlist. I rolled my eyes. My heart stopped a little bit when I saw Puck. Sure I had called him that one day but I hadn't seen him at all yet. Truth be told I still cared about him. I just couldn't see him without feeling guilty.

Quinn Fabray: My Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें