Chapter 13 - Hannukah

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Author's Note: Hey guys I really appreciate how many views this story has been getting. Thank you so much for supporting me. This chapter is about Quinn celebrating Hanukkah with the Puckermans. I do not know much about the Jewish faith or about how they celebrate Hanukkah so most of my writing is based off of what I've read online. So if I get things wrong I apologize. Anyway, enjoy reading this chapter :)

Ever since our win at Sectionals Puck and I were a lot closer. I guess living together could do that to you. Monday had been the start of studying midterms which was a very stressful time. I had been studying hard to ensure I passed my classes during the first half of the year. Since I had hardly missed any classes I had been exempt from quite a number of my midterms, much to my relief. There was only one week until the start of Winter Break which I was looking forward to. The last couple of months had been so stressful. It would be nice for a change not to worry about school, at least for a little while.

My phone rang one night as I answered it. "Hello?" I whispered. "Quinnie?" I heard a familiar voice as I began to tear up. "Frannie?" I said. " are you?" Frannie asked worriedly. "I'm okay...just surprised to hear from you," I admitted. Frannie sighed "I know I should've gotten back to you sooner. It was just -" she began. "Let me guess mom and dad," I said. "It was awful what they did to you," she sighed. I shrugged "I guess I had it coming." Frannie was silent, it seemed like she didn't know what to say to me.

"Look Quinn, I don't hate you. I couldn't hate you," Frannie assured me "You're my baby sister. I love you no matter what." Hearing Frannie say those words was music to my ears. It felt good to know that I didn't lose my sister over everything. "So you have a place to stay?" she asked. "Yes," I assured her as she sighed relieved. "Good. I felt bad about not calling you right away. What if you needed me?" Frannie frowned. "It's okay. Finn took me in. He and his mom were wonderful to me," I assured her. "Were?" she asked. I sighed. I knew I had to tell her at some point. "I had to move out. I had lied to Finn about being the father," I admitted as I could feel Frannie's eyes getting wide. "He wasn't the father?" she said gasping. I sighed "No," Frannie seemed surprised by this.

"Quinnie, what happened?" Frannie asked concerned. "I made a mistake," I told her. "It's a pretty big mistake to make," Frannie said in a somewhat disapproving tone. I sighed "Look, I'm not proud of myself for what happened. I know it was a sin but I don't regret that this baby girl was made due to my mistake," I told her. "I couldn't do it," Frannie said as I seemed confused. "Couldn't do what?" I asked. "I would never have had the courage to have this baby, not like you have," Frannie admitted. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Frannie thought I was brave? I hardly felt brave. I just felt like I was doing the right thing. "I'm just doing what's right," I shrugged. "I'm proud of you," Frannie smiled a bit. "Thanks," I smiled back. "Look...if you need anything, anything at all don't hesitate to call me," Frannie told me. "Thank you," I smiled. "Of course. I'll talk to you later," Frannie said. "Talk to you later, bye," I smiled as I hung up.

"You seem happier," Puck said as I walked out of the room, noticing a change in my demeanor. "My sister called," I said smiling a bit "I had called her on Thanksgiving and she finally got back to me. Things are okay between us now." "I'm glad to hear it," Puck said. "Thanks," I said as I began to walk off. "There's something I wanted to talk to you about actually," Puck said as I turned back around. "What is it?" I asked. "My mom wanted me to ask you about going to Temple with us for Hanukkah. I know you're not Jewish and how much your religion means to you but we didn't want to just make you sit home alone for hours," Puck told me. It was true, I was a devoted Christian but I wanted to be supportive of Puck and his family. After all, I wouldn't want them to tell me not to celebrate Christmas. "I'll come," I smiled a bit. "Cool," he smiled as I headed downstairs. This holiday season was going to be a lot different than what I was used to but I was looking forward to every minute of it.

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