Chapter 4 - The Glee Club Finds Out

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 Early that morning we got word that Berry had quit to become the lead of the school musical, Cabaret. "Alright, Finn, Quinn let's start off with 'Don't Stop Believin'," Mr. Schuester smiled as we got everyone in order and began to perform.

"Da, da, da, da-da," the new directions sang. "A singer in a smokey room," Finn sang. "The smell of wine and cheap perfume," I sang. "For a smile they can share the night it goes on and on and on and on," Finn and I harmonized as we spun in a circle making me nauseous. I ran off, the spinning had triggered my morning sickness once again. "Quinn, are you okay?" I heard Mr. Schue calling after me.

Since taking the vitamins that Mrs. Schuester gave me the morning sickness had definitely intensified. I sobbed a bit after I cleaned myself up. Dealing with the pregnancy hadn't been easy. For starters every weekend I worried about my parents finding out. I had no idea what they would do if they found out about my situation. 'Get yourself together Quinn. No one can know what's really going on.' I thought to myself as I finally rejoined the others in the choir room.

"You feeling okay Quinn?" Brittany asked kindly. "Yeah," I lied. Brittany didn't seem to believe me and looked concerned about me. I tried not to let what anyone thought affect me as I continued through rehearsal.

Mr. Schuester brought in April Rhodes, a woman who hadn't graduated to join the Glee Club. Truth be told she had an incredible voice. The only problem with her was how she smelled of alcohol most of the time and would constantly be all over most of the guys. I tried to keep Finn at an arm's length away from her but she was the new female lead in most of our songs. I didn't have too much of a choice there.

I walked into the choir room later that week as Brittany ran up to me. "Quinn, can I stop by your house?" she asked. "Umm...why do you want to come by my house?" I asked confused. "Because I want to see the stork that's building it's nest. Storks always stop by to bring babies," Brittany smiled. "Britt, that's not where babies come from," I said shaking my head. "Yes it is," Brittany pouted. "Besides, how did you know I'm pregnant?" I asked surprised. "Puck told the Glee Club," Brittany shrugged as Santana then entered the room as Brittany rushed over to hug her. 'Puck did what?' I thought narrowing my eyes as I stormed over to Puck as he entered the choir room.

"We need to talk," I gritted through my teeth as I dragged him out into the hallway. "Easy there baby," Puck said surprised by my 'escorting' him out of the room "What's going on?" "You tell me," I narrowed my eyes at him "You told the entire club I was pregnant!" "They were going to figure it out eventually," Puck said rolling his eyes "You had to hear their stupid theories about what was going on with you! I had to tell them." "No you didn't," I quipped back. "Maybe I didn't but I told them the kid is yours and Finns. So relax. I didn't tell them everything," Puck said as he brushed past me as he walked back into the choir room. I was still fuming by the fact that he went so far as to tell the whole club my secret.

I could see the different looks I was getting as the rehearsal began some sympathetic like Tina, Kurt, Artie, and Mercedes, others like Santana gave me a smirk like I got what was coming to me for putting on an 'act'. 'If they knew the truth. They wouldn't have sympathy for me.' I thought to myself trying not to let their looks distract me from rehearsing my parts of the songs.

That Saturday we had our show in front of the school. Of course my parents were nowhere to be found in the audience. 'Figures. Like they would ever attend anything I was performing at' I thought to myself as I looked out in the crowd. I saw plenty of other parents I recognized including Finn's mom. I thought of the baby growing inside me, wondering what life would be like for it. If I gave it to the Schuesters, I'm sure Mr. Schue would be at every performance they had smiling brightly at them, encouraging them to be their best self much like he had done with us in the Glee Club. If Finn and I raised the baby I'm sure we would be just as supportive or at least try to be there for the baby. 'I know you won't feel as unloved as I did,' I thought to myself.

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