Chapter 62 - We are the Champions

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Author's Note: Holy crap guys! We did it. I got to the end of Season 3 which actually is the bulk of my writing while having to watch the episodes and interpret them for this fic. After this for the most part I will be writing things on my own with the rare occasions that Quinn guest stars being the longer chapters :) I hope you enjoy the end of Season 3 and I cannot wait to write the chapters to come.

Nationals went on for the next few hours as the other 50 show choirs took the stage including Vocal Adrenaline. They had Unique who absolutely killed her performances of 'Starships' and 'Pinball Wizard'. I couldn't help but be nervous after watching all the show choirs. After today the top 3 show choirs would be chosen. I could only hope the New Directions would be on that list. "Our top 3 teams are: Vocal Adrenaline, The Portland Scale Blazers, and New Directions" the sheet said as we all celebrated seeing that we had made it to the final 3. We stood a good chance of winning it all.

"And now a round of applause to your top three finalists for this year's National Show Choir Championship," the announcer said as we all stood onstage holding hands, hoping that all our hard work wasn't for nothing. "In third place......all the way from Oregon the Portland Scale Blazers!" the announcer said as we sighed of relief as the Scale Blazers got their award. "And now, ladies and gentlemen, quiet, please. Congratulations to both teams standing with us onstage. But not it's time to announce a winner," the announcer said as we all held our breath "The 2012 National Show Choir Champions........from McKinley High in Limo, Ohio, The New Directions," the announcer said as we all celebrated. We had done it. We had actually done it. We won a national championship. After all of the hard work we put in for 3 years it just felt like such a relief to have won first place.

"We did it," Rachel grinned. "Guys, I could not be more proud of you," Mr. Schue smiled as we all got back on the bus to head home. "You all did such an amazing job and it's such a high note for me to leave on," Shelby smiled. "What do you mean leave?" Mercedes asked confused as all eyes were on Shelby. "I got a job running a Broadway Daycare. It'll allow me to spend more time with Beth," Shelby said as everyone looked stunned. "Miss Corcoran we're going to miss you," Brittany frowned as the others nodded. "I'll miss all of you too. It's been a pleasure getting to be a part of the New Directions family for this year. I hope to see those of you moving to New York someday soon," Shelby said as Rachel then hugged her. "I'll see you there," she said. "Yes, you will," Shelby smiled at Rachel as we headed back home to Lima, finally National Champions.

Winning Nationals had changed everything about the way people treated us at McKinley. Glee Club was no longer lame. Almost everyone talked about wanting to be a part of a club that had a national championship record to uphold. We were no longer slushied, no longer the uncool kids at the school. Sure, it was only for the next week until school ended but it was nice to feel back on top again.

Rachel and Finn entered the choir room together as the rest of us sat in our seats. "Where's Mr. Schue?" Rachel asked. "With Miss Pillsbury I'd think if he's not here," Santana said "Why?" "Rachel and I have something we need to talk to you guys about," Finn said as we all listened. "We talked to Principal Figgins and he's going to award Mr. Schue the Teacher of the Year award," Rachel said as we all couldn't help but smile. It was what Mr. Schue deserved. "Yeah...he wanted us to present it to him and perform a song to celebrate," Finn grinned. "So that's why we called this meeting," Rachel said as we all looked at each other. "We're in," I smiled. We all celebrated as we rehearsed our number 'We Are The Champions' to sing for Mr. Schue.

"And now the award you've all been waiting for: Teacher of the Year. To announce the winner, please welcome to the stage so-called Finchel," Principal Figgins said the next day as Finn and Rachel walked out onto the stage. "Hi. The 2012 William McKinley High School Teacher of the Year Award goes to...." Finn said as Rachel then completed the sentence "Mr. Will Schuester" "Wait, just, uh before you come up to accept the award, we just wanted to say a few things.

Quinn Fabray: My StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora