(48) James fluff

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So I feel like you and James lazy day with end up like, you two not moving out of bed till noon talking joint showers. Putting on some comfy clothes on after finishing your shower, you both having a make out section in bed, then after kissing. You both will cuddle in bed, holding each in you arms looking in each other eyes, then after a hour, you and James went downstairs and grab two glasses and a bottle of wine. Then you both order your guys favorite pizza, then after 30 minutes of waiting it finally arrives, then you both put on your guys favorite movie and struggle against each other' while eating the pizza and drinking your guys wine. Then after the movie finished. You and James clean up your guys mess then went upstairs and went back to your guys share bedroom and went under the covers and fell asleep in each other arms again.
Well this is cute
I hope you guys
Like it
Love you all
Val xxx

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