(20) The bet

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So this imagine is about something that happened at school to me
This boy in this imagine is a boy in my school name Ryan and him and his friends made a bet on me saying if he can make me go out with him he would get 20 dollars and even though I didn't say yes every time he asked me out it still hurts it made me feel worthless but brad In this imagine play my friend that I met at Starbucks and he comes makes me feel better and helps me I hope you guys love it enjoy
Ps: this all true this and I understand if you don't believe me
But is true"
"This boy in your school is the most annoying boy in your whole school the worst part about it you both being going to the same school since pre school.

"Ryan is his name and he been bullying you since pre school and you started feeling down. Sad. And hurt. Some time he will shove you to the lockers knock your books down and make fun of you and brake your glasses and everything else to hurt you and get away with it because his dad is the head of the school so he gets away with anything.

"The worst part about it you don't have any friends in school you have friends outside your school which sucks because you wish they were there with you. But you were just lucky you had some to help you even though they not close to you but they always know how to make you feel better.

"After summer you had back to school and fear the worst of your bully hurting you again.

"But this time he was acting different He hasn't hurt you he hasn't Said nothing bad about you. He actually been nice to you but you weren't falling for it.

"When you were eating lunch your bully Ryan came up to you.

"You look great today Ryan said.
Thanks you muttered looking confused.

"Then he said the words you never expected him to say to you.

"How about me and you go on a date this weekend he said
You look at him and said
No I'm not going out on a date with you because you bully me since pre school so no" you said walking out of the cafeteria.

"After a few weeks! Of him asking you out
You started getting annoyed and confused of why he kept asking you I mean everyone sees him as the most popular guy in school that can get any girl (besides me) then you look at you and you see not prettiest girl not the skinniest girl (that's how I see myself)
In school but he still asking you out.

"One day. You were walking out of math class when someone tap your shoulder you turn around and you see the girl you sat by in math class but never spoke to her till now.

"Hey Y/N I need to tell you something she saids.

"You look at her confused of why she was talking to you.

"Sure what you need you asked
She looks at you with sorry eyes and saids
So um have you gone out with Ryan she asked
No you said confused of why she asking.
Well I just thought to tell let you know that's he using on a bet she said.

"You couldn't believe of what she was saying to you even though you never liked Ryan it still hurt and makes you want to cry.

"Really you said with tears in your eyes
She nods her head feeling sorry for you
Do you know how much you asked
20 dollars she saids.

"20 dollars is that all I'm worth that's it.

"I'm so sorry Y/N I wish you knew before she saids
You nod your head and thanked her then give her a hug and you both went two different ways.

"As you were getting stuff out of your locker the guy you hate standing next to you.

"Hey beautiful he said with a stupid smirk.

"Leave me alone Ryan you said hurt
What's wrong with you he asked
20 dollars is that all I'm worth to you that's it you said with tears forming in your eyes
Whoa okay how you know that he asked
Angie told me now I don't want you to ever talked to me ever again you said walking out of school.

"Once you were out of school you went to the park near your house and started crying not wanting to go home yet and tell your parents.

"When you were crying your best friend brad called you you answered it
With a sad voice

Brad: Hey y/n what's wrong you sound said he asked worriedly.

"You tell him everything what Ryan did and how hurt you are by it.

"Then he told you not move and be there soon.

"After a few moments
You see brad walking up you then sitting next to you and pull you close to him and hugged while you cry in his chest.

"Is okay don't cry he ain't worth your tears he said pull your up to face him as he wiped your tears away with his thumb.

"Brad am I only worth 20 dollars you said sadly
What No no you are worth so much more he saids
But why he did that you asked.
Because he a waste In space he nothing be a jerk and childish he saids.
You smile and nod your head.
And you are worth so much and any guy will be lucky to have you because you are sweet. Strong. Talented. Amazing. Beautiful. Kind. You really are Y/N okay don't let anyone tell you no different okay he saids.

"You smile and moved closer to him and lay your head on his chest while he hold you close.

"You really are amazing Y/N I'm truly lucky to have you as my best friend he saids

"You smile widely at him.

"Me too Brad you said happily
He smiles and kissed your head and hold you tightly"
Again this imagine is biased about on me and my stupid school bully
And if you don't believe that's fine
But all of this is true this really happened and it still hurts but I'm taking one step at a time.
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I love you all
Lots of love

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