I glanced over at him with daggers.

He was supposed to fix everything, but he was only breaking me more. He was supposed to be the shoulder I could cry on, but he was only making me cry. He was supposed to be saving me, but he was only ruining my life.

I wanted to hate him so bad. My Niall was gone, and I hated what he had become...but I just couldn't hate him. I just couldn't do it.

When the bell rang, I shot up and charged for the door, only to be blocked.

"We're getting impatient, Skankhill. We want you and we can't wait much longer." Nick's rough voice pierced through me.

I looked over them all. Nick, Logan and Connor all had full on sleezy smirks. Niall, well he looked in between. He had a smirk, but it didn't seem as smug and genuine like the others. It seemed forced, like it was masking other emotions. From what I could see, he was masking boredom and annoyance. He didn't want to be here as much as I did.

I just pushed past them, and as I was walking away, Logan's voice called after me. "Watch your back, Annabitch. The storms coming."

Frightened by the statement...I fled the building.


The month dragged by painfully slowly. I hadn't seen Niall at our place anymore because I stopped going after school, and went at night instead. I was afraid of seeing him there again after last time.

Between the harassment at school, and the beatings at home, things had truly become unbearable. But of course, no beating or torture compares to the pain caused when Niall does something.

He'd been overly angry lately. I didn't know why he was so angry all the time. Me showing up at the lake couldn't have pissed him off that bad? All these questions were burning at my skin and I had to find answers.

Niall had avoided me all day and I, for once, wanted to find him.

After the horrible day of getting forcibly kissed by Nick, and disgustingly touched by Logan, I was annoyed, fed up and upset. These emotions mixed together gave me a boost of confidence.

I'm finding Niall right now.

I found him at his locker, putting books away. I stood next to him waiting for him to finish.

He shut his locker and noticed me standing there in the empty hallway. He rolled his eyes, puffing out an annoyed breath. "What do you want, Skankhill? I'm not in the mood."

I tried my best not to let his cruel words knock me down. "I need to talk to you."

"So? That doesn't mean I'm gonna do it?" He spat as he turned and started to walk away.

I wasn't going to let him get away. I shouted after him. "Who were you talking about and why is that place so special?!"

He froze. I could see his back muscles tense. "What are you talking about?"

He knew damn well what I was talking about and I wasn't letting him out of this. Not without answers. "You kept saying that was your place with some girl. Who is she? And why is it so important?"

With his back still towards me, and his voice holding a pained edge to it, he answered. "None of your damn business."

"Why can't you just tell me?!" I shouted, starting to get annoyed, and surprised by my burst of confidence. "After all the torture you've put me through in the past two months since you've been here, all I want is just a name!"

"Just shut the fuck up. You have no idea what you're asking." He spoke dangerously calm.

"I just want a name for goodne-" 

He cut me off and whipped around to finally face me, rage evident in his face. "ANNABELLE! HER NAME IS ANNABELLE AND THAT'S OUR PLACE JUST BECAUSE, NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP!" His voice echoed through the halls.

I stood there, frozen.


I don't understand

Did he not realize?

I looked up from the ground to see him staring past me, breathing heavy to control himself. I still wanted more answers and was confused. I decided to try the tactic of playing dumb to gain information. "I, um, who is this Annabelle girl?" I stuttered, afraid of what I would hear him say.

"Again, none of your damn business!" He shouted, still angry, but quieter.

"Who is she? Your girlfriend?" I pressed, knowing the term 'girlfriend' would push his buttons.

"NO!" He said defensively. "She used to be my best friend..."

What? WHAT?! I was at a loss for words. I didn't know how to feel? Was I supposed to feel happy? Sad? Confused? Angry?

"What happened to her?" I just couldn't stop myself.

"Why do you care?" He scoffed.

"Just tell me!" I shouted, using my growing frustration, burst of confidence, and new found excitement as fuel.

"SHE DIED OKAY?!!! YOU HAPPY NOW?" He snapped, staring into my eyes with daggers.

The air left my lungs and I stumbled back.

We were caught in an eerie silence. Not one of us making a sound. How was I supposed to respond to that? How was I supposed to react?

"Wh-what?" I stuttered out so quietly, I'm surprised he heard it.

His eyes started to soften and water as he looked to the ground. He looked like he got lost in thought for a moment, forgetting I was there, like he was speaking his thoughts out loud. "I moved away, and after about a year, I got a call saying that she was found dead."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Who? Who told you this?" I questioned in a whisper.

He wiped a single fallen tear away. "Her dad." A switch flipped in his demeanor and he changed back into the angry monster I've recently become accustom to. "You better not tell anyone about this bitch!" He stomped off, leaving me alone in the abandoned hallway.

My head was spinning. But for once, everything finally made sense.


My poor excuse of a father told him I was dead.

It all made sense. The sudden stop of communication? Dad told him I was dead. He didn't recognize me because he thought I was dead.

I'm dead? 

He thinks I'm dead. Oh my god




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