A Letter To Nick

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Chapter 31

After getting back home, Jeremy began to help Clay's wound with the rest of the pack before I headed upstairs and began to clean my nose up. I had felt so weak after feeling the spell starting and so all I wanted to do was try and help myself physically so I could hopefully feel good mentally. Once I had cleaned my nose, I headed into my room and began to take a look around, realizing this might be the last time I ever see it. I then began to think about what would happen if I died today before I suddenly realized I had to get this room ready for after my death. I immediately then grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and began to write my letter to Nick.

Dear Nick,

If you're reading this then I'm dead and Aleister has killed every witch around the world. Anyway, I wrote this letter not to say goodbye but to say sorry and thank you. Firstly, I'm so sorry that I died and left you here all alone without me and our children. I really did see a future for us and I really did see us happy with our beautiful babies. I know you would have made an amazing father and because of that, I couldn't feel more sorry than what I do right now and secondly, I wanted to thank you. I wanted to thank you for giving me a life here in Stonehaven and making me feel alive. You don't know this but I lied to you before about having a happy life in Toronto because the truth is it was good; just good though. It was true that I had a fun life with friends and a job and I did have parents who loved me but in truth, I didn't have everything I could ever want there. I didn't have someone to come home to, someone to love and live the rest of my life with, I didn't have that kind of life where everything is a fairytale and you get married to the person that you love most in the world and have children with. At least that wasn't true until I met you. When I first met you, I knew that you were my one and true soulmate and not only that but I knew that someday we would be together. I still remember the first day we met. You began to flirt with me at my first breakfast here at Stonehaven and then I remember our first kiss and when you asked me to be your girlfriend and our first night together and when I told you I was pregnant and oh how we should have had a lot more firsts. Like our first house together and our engagement and our kids birth and our wedding day. We should have got more in life together but we didn't; at least I didn't. Anyway, now I'm gone, I need you to find happiness. I need you to fall in love again, have fun, enjoy your life and have the dream life I know you've always dreamed of but never had. Please be happy Nick, you truly deserve it.

I love you.

Always and forever,

Kat xxx

After writing this, I had tears in my eyes and I immediately wiped them away before putting the letter under Nick's pillow. I knew that if I died he would find it there and if I didn't I would take it back and burn it. Once I done this, I left the room and headed downstairs to the kitchen, where Jeremy, Elena, Clay and Ruth were.

As I walked in, Ruth turned to me and said...

"How are you feeling?" Ruth asked me.

"Weak. What about you and Paige?" I asked.

"Same as you," Ruth answered.

"So you really think that we need to see Clara?" Jeremy asked.

"If not, we won't be any closer to Aleister, meaning all the witches around the world will be dead," Ruth said.

"Okay, so who is coming to find Clara?" I asked.

"You, Clay, Elena, Paige and Nick. I'll stay here with Ruth and try and help her rest up," Jeremy answered.

"Okay, let's go," I said.

Jeremy then told us where Clara lives before Elena and Clay then got up with me and headed to the hall before we met with Paige and Nick and I said...

"Guys we've got to go," I said.

"Where?" Nick asked.

"To find Clara," I answered.

"She'll lead us to Aleister," Paige said.

"Yeah well, hopefully," I said.

They nodded before we left the house and headed to Clay's car. We then all got in and drove off to Clara's house...

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