The Witches

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Chapter 7

After arriving back home, Elena walked off down to the basement while I headed into the kitchen with the boys...

"So, what's going on?" I asked.

"Jeremy's talking about summoning the witches with orange pekoe which is absolutely crazy," Nick said.

"Why hide this book if there's spells aren't real?" Clay asked.

Jeremy then read out the spell before we stood there waiting for something to happen.

"Maybe we should have used camomile?" Nick wondered.

Just then, we heard loads of whispers like before until we heard a bang in The Great Room. We then all dashed to The Great Room before walking to find the women sitting at Jeremy's desk. Clay then began to walk towards them before one of the said...

"I wouldn't do that big guy," she said.

"Clay," Jeremy said.

"Trust me I wouldn't," Nick said.

"Well you obviously know that we are witches and we know that you are werewolves. Let's get that out of the way so we can begin," the woman from before said.

"Can't believe we summoned witches," Nick said.

"You didn't summon us. We came because it's time to talk and oh you left your front door unlocked," the woman said.

"We heard you in there with your useless spell. It's too bad that we know way more about you than you know about us," the younger one said.

"It seems you have us at a disadvantage there," Jeremy said.

"Again more than you know," the younger one said.

She then lifted her head and moved the chair forward...

"Sit," she said.

"Whoa," Nick said.

"Paige," the woman said to the younger one.

She then listened to her before the woman said...

"My apologies. Seems the young think that showing off is a virtue," the woman said before walking towards us with Paige following her.

"Clay, Logan. Would you please guard the entrance, no more surprises," Jeremy said before they both walked out of the room and began guarding the front door.

"With your permission," she said, pointing to the chair.

"Please," Jeremy said.

They then sat and so did we before the woman put a piece of paper on the table and slid it across to Jeremy with her magic.

"I guess we all like to show off from time to time," Jeremy said.

"My name is Ruth Winterbourne, my associate Paige," the woman said introducing us to them.

"You'll forgive me if I'm not familiar with the protocols dealing with your type," Jeremy said.

"We're witches, you can say it. It's not a word we like to use in unsafe company but with you it's fine. Since you're all from the otherworld," Ruth said.

"The otherworld?" Nick questioned.

"Not human, supernatural," Ruth answered.

"You might prefer special," Paige said.

"Magic, as you might call it. does exist. We don't fly around on broomsticks or twitch our noses to cast spells. I run a successful cosmetic company," Ruth said.

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