Failing To Escape

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Chapter 14

After some time had gone by, I suddenly awoke again in my bed and then got up before feeling head rush before I sat back down. I then began to hold my stomach, thinking only of the babies before saying...

"Don't worry. I won't let them hurt you," I said to them.

I then closed my eyes and began to rest before I saw an image my children in the future...

"Here's baby number one," Jeremy said, delivering my children.

"It's a boy," Nick said happily, holding his son for the first time ever.

"And here is baby number two," Jeremy said, giving my child to me.

"It's a girl," I said with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"It's our little family," Nick said as he stood with me with our children.

"I love you Nick," I said.

"I love you too Kat," Nick said before kissing me.

I then opened my eyes and smiled before saying...

"So I guess you guys are going to be Logan and Elizabeth," I said before kissing my stomach and holding them close to me.

Just then, I heard a knock at my door before it turned into a bang. I then immediately got up and rushed to the door before saying...

"Who is this?" I asked.

"It's Elena," she answered.

"Okay stay back. I'll break down the door," I said.

"Okay," Elena said.

"You away from it because I'm not sure where it's going to land," I said.

"Yeah, I'm nowhere near it," Elena said.

I then got my hands and used my magic to open the door before the door fell down on the floor. I then walked over it before meeting with Elena.

"Come on, let's go. We're getting out of here," Elena said.

I then nodded before we dashed down the hall and ran outside. Once we got outside, we began to see the outside for a moment before dashing down the field and past the trees. As we ran, I began to hear people running after us. They were on our trail and began shooting at us. At one point, Elena got shot in the leg and immediately turned and threw it back at someone and getting them in the eye. This made him stop while we continued to run. We kept on going for a while before Elena began to feel lightheaded and stop running. As she stopped, we saw the wolf in front of us slow down and I immediately stopped running. We began to feel a burning on our necks before the wolf died with his neck exploding in front is us.

After seeing this, Elena and I fell to the ground before seeing Aleister walking towards us.

"I can't let you go. Not before you give me what I need," Aleister said.

We then passed out on the grass as everyone stood there surrounding us.

Suddenly, I awoke all alone in my room again. I immediately began look around me, trying to remember what last happened before I quickly got up and began to knock on the wall before saying...

"Elena, are you there?" I asked.

There was silence; complete silence. I then rushed through the hole and saw Elena's empty bed. I immediately began to panic, wondering where she was or what they were doing to her.

"Elena?" Savannah call from the other room.

"No Savannah, this is Kat," I said.

"Kat?, where's Elena?" Savannah asked.

"I think she's been taken," I said.

"It's all my fault," Savannah cried.

"Savannah?, would you mind if I came over into your room?" I asked.

"Sure," Savannah sniffled.

I then climbed through the hole and got into her room and quickly embraced her before holding her close. We  then sat down on her bed and I let her cry on me before I said...

"Hey, I'm rather new at this mum thing so how am I doing?" I asked.

"You're doing great," Savannah answered.

We continued to do this for a while as we waited until Elena came back...

The New Witch ~ Nick Sorrentino {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now