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Chapter 23

Once we reached the woods, I watched as Paige and Ruth created a fire and after some time of adding several different herbs, Paige finally pulled out a beautiful bracelet, which was now going to be my talisman. After my talisman was ready, Ruth then gave it to me before I immediately put it on. She then smiled before saying...

"You're stronger than you know. Your mother would have been proud to see you right now," Ruth said.

"Thank you," I said.

They then both smiled before leaving me to walk in the hut to meet my familiar. As I sat down, I began to look around me, ready to finally become a witch before I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Once I had done this, I reopened my eyes and said the spell that Ruth and Paige told me to until all of a sudden, a cat walked in and headed towards me. I then immediately picked him up and held him close before saying another spell that I was taught. After this, the cat disappeared as it had become apart of me before I then took a look at my bracelet, knowing that I was a witch now because of it. I then got up and headed out of the hut before I saw Ruth and Paige walking towards me. I continued to walk towards them before saying...

"I did it. I'm a witch!" I exclaimed happily.

"Welcome to our coven Kat," Paige said.

"We're so proud of you," Ruth said.

"So, now what happens?" I asked.

"Now we teach you magic," Paige answered.

They then stood there before they taught me the most powerful spells in all of history. They taught me how to control my energy until there was nothing else to teach me. Just then, Nick walked out and headed towards us before saying...

"So is it done?, are you a witch?" Nick asked.

"Yeah and I got my talisman," I answered, showing him my bracelet.

"Have you learnt anything yet?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, do you want me to show you?" I asked.

"Sure," Nick answered.

I then looked to Paige and Ruth to see if it was okay before they nodded and I immediately turned back to face him as I lifted my hands in the air, lifting him up as I did so. He then went high up in the air until I returned him back to the ground.

"Is that all?" Nick asked.

I then flipped him over with my magic and began throwing him across the field until I then dropped him to the ground.

"Next time, I'll know not to mess with you," Nick said as he arose and headed back to us.

"Good," I said before we kissed.

"We'll leave you alone," Ruth said before Paige and herself headed back inside the house.

Once they left, Nick and I then stopped kissing before he said...

"So, what do you want to do now? You've become a witch, we rescued you from Aleister and we are one as a couple. What is next for our adventure?" Nick asked.

"Other than our future together with our kids and being together for the rest of our lives, I have the perfect idea of what we can do," I said.

"And that is?" Nick asked.

"It's a surprise. Now come on, grab our bags from our room and let's go," I said.

"Bags?, I wasn't aware you packed any," Nick said.

"I know. I just did it now," I said, hinting I used my magic.

"You did it from all the way outside?" Nick questioned.

"I'm a lot more powerful than you think, Nick Sorrentino," I said.

He then smiled before running back to the house to go get our bags while I headed to my car and got in. Once I did this, I heard Nick open the boot before putting the bags in and closing it. After he did this, Nick then got in beside me and smiled before putting his seatbelt on and saying...

"Here we go," Nick said.

"Here we go," I agreed.

I then started up the car and drove down the path with Nick having no idea that I was driving to Hawkesbury to meet his mother...

The New Witch ~ Nick Sorrentino {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now